Letter: Brakewood asks for re-election support

February 28, 2019 at 8:50 a.m.

I am writing to ask for your support in my bid for re-election to the Port Chester Village Board of Trustees. In recent years, the Port Chester Board of Trustees has put aside partisan politics to meet the needs of our Village, and I vow to further this agenda. Three political parties have united in endorsing Fritz Falanka for Mayor, and I am eager to continue working with him for the betterment of our community. During my time on the Board of Trustees, I have always believed our government needs to focus on promoting basic “quality of life” issues. This means delivering services to residents, enforcing our village codes and investing in our village infrastructure. It also means making sure we're getting the most out of every tax dollar.

I'm looking forward to continuing to serve on the Board of Trustees over the coming three years because we have an opportunity to make tremendous progress as a Village. With construction underway at all of our schools, developers presenting plans for investing in our downtown, and new single-family homes being built in our residential neighborhoods, it's an exciting time to be in Port Chester. Mayor Falanka and I are both interested in having a full day strategic planning session with staff leadership as soon as the next Board is sworn in. During this special meeting we would ask everyone to set aside their personal wish lists and come together as a team to define our goals for the next three years. Over the next several months, the Board of Trustees will likely adopt new zoning codes for the Village. While we have made considerable progress in promoting professional planning over the past decade, I am focused on making sure our new zoning laws are consistent with the character of our community. I am concerned about the building heights and density that would be allowed in the current draft laws. I will also work to make sure our waterfront is developed in a way that allows all residents to benefit from this valuable asset. What is most important to me is that our zoning laws and new developments are consistent with the Master Plan created by our citizens' committee and adopted by the Board of Trustees.

Over the next three years, the Mayor and Board of Trustees will grapple with many issues. By keeping politics out of the decision-making process and really listening to the needs of our residents, we can make the coming term one of the most productive in Village history. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to continue to serve as your trustee for the next three years, and I ask for your support at the polls on Mar. 19.

Dan Brakewood

32 Indian Rd.

Port Chester

Dan Brakewood is a sitting trustee on the Port Chester Village Board.


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