Letter: Thank you from Chrissie Onofrio Thank you to all of the voters who came out on May 21 for the Port Chester School Budget and Board of Education Election.
May 30, 2019 at 6:51 a.m.
Thank you to all of the voters who came out on May 21 for the Port Chester School Budget and Board of Education Election. A special thank you to my family and to those who helped with my campaign. Thank you to Carolee Brakewood for her nine years of service.
Over the past couple of months, I have met and spoken with so many incredible people. The overwhelming support and encouragement I received from family, friends, neighbors, and many I’ve never met before only further validated my decision to run and has been truly inspiring. I appreciate all of the letters of support, requests for signs and encouraging messages. I enjoyed walking the neighborhoods and having amazing face-to-face conversations.
As a mother and teacher, I constantly strive to instill confidence and passion in all of my children. I am proud of the positive campaign I ran and look forward to accomplishing my goal of uniting our community for what’s best for all of our children. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our schools.
Chrissie Onofrio
Port Chester
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