Government Meetings
March 14, 2019 at 10:02 a.m.
Port Chester
Mon., Mar. 18
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Courtroom, 350 North Main St., Port Chester. 7 p.m. Draft agenda: 1) Public comments. 2) Presentation on gateway signage and downtown train bridge art and lighting improvement projects by Milone & MacBroom. 3) Presentation on streetscape and waterfront promenade plan by Ian Law from PLACE Alliance. 4) Update from Complete Count Committee. 5) Presentation from Tarry Lighthouse re the proposed redevelopment of 175-179 North Main St. and 20 Abendroth Ave. 6) Planning and Economic Development Updates. 7) Staff report on form-based code. 8) Staff report on parking lots. 9) Staff report on public notice signs. 10) Staff report on United Hospital site. 11) Setting a public hearing to consider the proposed surplus of certain village property to the Port Chester LDC. 12) Setting a public hearing on the adoption of the 2019-20 village budget. 13) Certified notice for a 30-day advanced notice for a corporate change and class change for Pollos a la Brasa El Festejo. 14) Correspondence from Howie Ravikoff re the IDA. 15) Public comments and board comments. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, final agenda, call 939-5202 or visit
PORT CHESTER ARCHITECTURAL BOARD OF REVIEW. Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 7:30 p.m. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 939-5203.
Thurs., Mar. 21
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Courtroom, 350 North Main St., Port Chester. 7 p.m. Agenda: Canvass of the Mar. 19 mayor and trustees’ vote. Open to the public. 939-5202.
PORT CHESTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. Courtroom, 350 North Main St., Port Chester. 7:15 p.m. Agenda: 1) Findings on application to obtain a use variance to legalize a three-family dwelling at 442 Westchester Ave. 2) Findings on application to build a multi-family residential unit with 224 parking spaces at New Broad Street and William Street. 3) Continued public hearing on application to demolish, expand and renovate an existing auto repair garage at 66 Pearl St., 4) Continued public hearing on application for two additional wall signs at 16 King St. 5) Public hearing on application to construct a one-story addition in the rear of the dwelling at 470 West William St. 6) Public hearing on application to construct an 8-story mixed-used development at 175 and 179 North Main St. and 20 Abendroth Ave. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. 481-8036.
Rye Brook
Mon., Mar. 18
RYE BROOK BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 6:45 p.m.: Police Department Reception. 7:30 p.m.: Regular meeting. Agenda: 1) Police Department promotions. 2) Public hearing on proposed local law modifying the village code re parking on Osborne Place and corresponding resolution. 3) Public hearing on proposed local law modifying the village code re carryout bags and corresponding resolution. 4) Considering an appeal for a tree permit denial at 11 Deer Run. 5) Considering an appeal for a tree permit denial at 66 Winding Wood Rd. 6) Consider a waiver of restricted hours for filming for a specific filming permit application at 1100 King St. 7) Considering a request for use of village streets for the Wall Street Rides FAR 2019 Bike Ride. 8) Considering a modification to the license and fee schedule. 9) Considering budget modifications. 10) Authorize submission of backflow preventer to the Dept. of Health. 11) Administrator’s Report. 12) Compost site agreement. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. 939-1121.
Thurs. Mar. 20
RYE BROOK ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 939-0668 or visit
Rye Town
Wed., Mar. 20
RYE TOWN PARK COMMISSION. Port Chester Senior Community Center, 220 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6 p.m. Agenda not available as of press time. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 939-3570 or visit
RYE TOWN BOARD. Port Chester Senior Community Center, 220 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 7:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 939-3075 or visit
Mon., Mar. 18
BLIND BROOK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Blind Brook Middle/High School Library, 840 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Agenda includes: Budget Discussion. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, complete agenda, call the superintendent’s office at 937-3600 or visit
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