Site work begins for train bridge replacement

April 9, 2020 at 7:42 a.m.
Site work begins for train bridge replacement
Site work begins for train bridge replacement

Metro-North Railroad is preparing to replace the New Haven Line train bridges over Willett Avenue and Highland Street in Port Chester.

Parking spaces along the train line between the Willett Avenue and King Street bridges have been blocked off and filled with bags of concrete, trees have been cut down and orange barriers have been set up on Willett Avenue.

Even before this work began, a white construction trailer was erected on Metro-North property adjacent to the northbound tracks.

Site work has started in preparation for construction that is anticipated to begin in June, according to Meredith Daniels, a spokeswoman for Metro-North.

“The public will be informed well in advance of major construction activity,” she said in an email Tuesday, Apr. 7.

“The parking spaces and the roadway closures are being coordinated with the Village of Port Chester,” wrote Daniels, noting that Metro-North has been working with the village for years on this project. She said the village would be sending out notices and alerts and would have information on its website about roadway closures.

As of press time there was no information on the village website about the project.

--Jananne Abel


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