P.C. police nab suspect of serial vehicle arsons
July 20, 2023 at 12:32 a.m.
Fredy Hernandez Paz was arrested on Thursday, July 13, for the series of vehicle arsons that had occurred over the past several weeks.
Paz allegedly set three cars on fire at 4 a.m. on Spring Street on June 11, and is accused of setting four more vehicles ablaze on Washington Street and New Broad Street in the early hours of Saturday, July 8.
The cars looked like they were intentionally lit from the front, said Port Chester Police Captain Charles Nielsen.
According to Nielsen, Port Chester police officers canvassed the area around the fires for video footage of the incident to identify the arsonist. He said video was obtained from cameras on residences and businesses.
After obtaining and scrubbing through the footage, officers were able to identify Paz entering his 113 E. William St. home, said Nielsen. Officers retrieved him from his residence and brought him in for questioning, where the 30-year-old allegedly admitted to all of the recent vehicle fires.
According to the police report, Paz “stated he was drunk and when he is drunk, he makes poor decisions,” and “did apologize to those whose vehicles he had destroyed.”
Paz was charged with arson in the third-degree, a felony.
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