Public Notices

November 1, 2023 at 6:22 p.m.

Morning Light Advising, LLC - Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 10/2/23. SSNY shall mail process to 68 Tamarack Road, Rye Brook, NY 10573, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

Run through 11/17

State of Connecticut

Court of Probate,

Bridgeport Probate Court District

NOTICE TO Victor Humberto Tapia Cardenas, whose last known residence was in the town of Portchester, NY.

Pursuant to an order of Hon. Paul J. Ganim, Judge, a hearing will be held at Bridgeport Probate Court, Government Center, 999 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604 on December 14, 2023 at 12:15 PM on a petition for Appointment of Voluntary Guardian of Person concerning a certain child born on February 24, 2003. The court's decision will affect your interest, if any, as in the petition on file more fully appears.

RIGHT TO COUNSEL: If the above-named person wishes to have an attorney, but is unable to pay for one, the court will provide an attorney upon proof of inability to pay. Any such request should be made immediately by contacting the court office where the hearing is to be held.

By order of the court

Paul J. Ganim, Judge



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Port Chester has been filed regarding the matter below:

Application # BLD-23-00496

Applicant VLS Realty Associates 3801 West Chester PK Newton Sq, PA 19073

Proposal Applicant proposes to install six signs at 314 Boston Post Road located in the CD-4 Zoning District. The proposal includes the following enumerated sign types which do not conform to Chapter 345, Article 7 Sign Standards of the Village of Port Chester Zoning Law.


The applicant does hereby request variances from the following applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance:

1.345-701. E. Allowed Signs. There shall be no Signs allowed other than as specified in this § 345-701. and

2.345-701. H. (1) General Provisions Applicable to All Nonexempt Signs. Without limitation to any applicable specific Sign standards, all Signs other than Exempt Signs shall comply with the following additional standards: (1) Lighting. Signs may be, but are not required to be, lighted unless otherwise specifically stated for the particular Sign type in Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards); and if lighted, shall not be internally illuminated or backlighted except as otherwise specifically provided for the particular Sign type in Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards).

A Public Hearing on said application will be held before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, November 16th, at 7 p.m. at the Town of Rye Justice Courtroom located at 350 N. Main St, 2nd Floor, Port Chester, NY 10573.



POR EL PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que se ha presentado una solicitud para comparecer ante la Junta de Apelaciones de Zonificación de la Villa de Port Chester en relación con el siguiente asunto:

Solicitud # BLD-23-00496

Solicitante VLS Realty Associates 3801 West Chester PK Newton Sq, PA 19073

de la propuesta propone instalar seis letreros en 314 Boston Post Road, ubicado en el distrito de zonificación CD-4. La propuesta incluye los siguientes tipos de letreros enumerados que no se ajustan al Capítulo 345, Artículo 7, Estándares de letreros de la Ley de Zonificación de Village of Port Chester.


El solicitante hace Por la presente solicitamos variaciones de las siguientes secciones aplicables de la Ordenanza de Zonificación:

1.345-701. E. Señales permitidas. No se permitirán señales distintas a las especificadas en este § 345-701. Y

2.345-701. H. (1) Disposiciones generales aplicables a todos los letreros no exentos. Sin limitación a ningún estándar de letreros específico aplicable, todos los letreros que no sean letreros exentos deberán cumplir con los siguientes estándares adicionales: (1) Iluminación. Los letreros pueden estar iluminados, pero no es obligatorio que lo estén, a menos que se indique específicamente lo contrario para el tipo de letrero en particular en la Tabla 345.701.B (Tipos de letreros: Normas específicas); y si está iluminado, no deberá estar iluminado internamente ni retroiluminado, excepto que se disponga específicamente lo contrario para el tipo de letrero particular en la Tabla 345.701.B (Tipos de letreros: Normas específicas).

Se llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre dicha solicitud ante la Junta de Apelaciones de Zonificación del Pueblo el jueves 16 de noviembre a las 7 pm en la Sala del Tribunal de Justicia de la ciudad de Rye ubicada en 350 N. Main St, 2do piso, Port Chester, NY 10573.


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