Government Meetings
November 30, 2023 at 3:07 a.m.
Port Chester
Mon., Dec. 4
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Town of Rye Justice Court, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 7 p.m. Draft Agenda: 1) Presentation by independent auditors on fiscal year ending 5/31/23 village audit. 2) Presentation by Desmond Land Use Consulting on three proposed sites for municipal parking structure(s) followed by a public workshop on parking. 3) Public comments. 4) Public hearing to consider adopting a local law that would amend the code re taxicabs relating to adjusting and establishing fares, authorizing charges for certain items to be placed by passengers in a cab and incorporating the use of GPS-enabled devices in taxicab operations. 5) Report of the village manager. 6) Awarding bid for sewer replacement project in the amount of $650,000 to MTS Infrastructure. 7) Budget amendment – capital project to repair bulkhead railing. 8) Directing the village attorney to work with the director of planning and development in preparing a local law that would amend the zoning code on a go-forward basis to establish the off-street parking ratio from 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit to 1.0 spaces per dwelling unit with a payment in lieu of $15,000 per unit. 9) Extending the time for the Form-Based Code Committee to complete their work to Feb. 29, 2024. 10) Directing the village attorney to prepare a local law that would impose a moratorium on site plan approvals in the CD-5, CD-6 and CD-6T districts pending the completion of the Form-based Code Committee’s report. 11) Removing Trustee Didden as development coordinator. 12) Referral of correspondence from Anthony Scala re parking regulations on Betsy Brown Circle to the Traffic Commission. 13) Public comments and board comments. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For final agenda, backup material, call 914-939-5202 or visit
Tues., Dec. 5
PORT CHESTER TAXI COMMISSION. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 914-939-5202.
Wed., Dec. 6
PORT CHESTER FORM-BASED CODE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CHARACTER DISTRICTS 5 & 6. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6 p.m. One of a series of committee meetings to review and discuss the existing Character District 5 and 6 regulations and develop recommendations for presentation to the Board of Trustees for its consideration. Next meeting will be Dec. 13. Open to the public. For information, agenda, contact the Department of Planning & Economic Development at 914-937-6780 or [email protected]
Rye Brook
Tues., Dec. 5
RYE BROOK BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 12 p.m. Executive session to interview three candidates for a vacant sergeant position in the police department. Closed to the public.
RYE BROOK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 8 p.m. Agenda: 1) Application for new roof over front entry and den entry, slate patio and stairs at 105 Lincoln Ave. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. 914-939-0668.
Rye Town
Tues., Dec. 5
RYE TOWN BOARD. Crawford Mansion Community Center, 122 N. Ridge St., Rye Brook. 6 p.m. Public hearing on 2024 preliminary budget. Open to the public. This will be a hybrid meeting. The town will also be using Zoom to host those who wish to join. Call Town Clerk Hope Vespia at 914-939-3570 for the link. You can see the video and hearing the audio of the live session at
Tues., Dec. 5
BLIND BROOK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Blind Brook Middle/High School Library, 840 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call District Clerk Vivian Groccia at 914-937-3600 x1001, email her at [email protected] or visit
Westchester County
Wed., Dec. 6
WESTCHESTER COUNTY BOARD OF LEGISLATORS. Board of Legislators Chambers, 148 Martine Ave., 8th Floor, White Plains. 7 p.m. Public hearing on the 2024 County Budget. Information re the FY2024 budget deliberations can be viewed on the Budget Dashboard section of the website.
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