Mendel’s Optical celebrates 40 years at Rye Ridge
October 12, 2023 at 4:17 a.m.
Dr. Hal Mendel is celebrating his 40th year as a tenant at Rye Ridge Shopping Center. In honor of this occasion, Dr. Mendel was asked a few questions.
What made you decide to set up your practice in Rye Brook?
I came to the shopping center, and I fell in love with it; it was beautiful, and I thought it was the best shopping center in Westchester. The property was owned by a different landlord at the time, and he had said to me there was a long wait time for available properties. I was a bit discouraged but hopeful. About a year later, I received a call from the landlord about a potential property and I didn't hesitate. I ran right over, fell in love with the shopping center all over again and have been here ever since.
What do you love best about your practice?
I love dealing with the people that come in. I see so many people from so many different walks of life. Ironically, working in this field has given me insight into the people here and because of this I have been given such tremendous care from the community. My employees and myself try so hard to make everyone happy and I love the people that we work with because they're the best people in the world.
What makes your practice unique?
Myself and everybody who works here, we care. We care about everyone that comes in and we want everyone to be happy. That's what we always want to accomplish. I feel that I have the best team working alongside me. They care for each of my patients as much as I do, and I see their passion and commitment with everyone they help.
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