Port Chester’s Italian heritage celebrated

October 12, 2023 at 4:24 a.m.
On a crisp, sunny morning, members of the Columbus Day Observance Committee, county, state, town and village elected officials and three Port Chester police officers gather at the statue of Christopher Columbus up on the hill at Columbus Park off Ryan Avenue where a wreath was placed on the morning of the Columbus Day Parade—Sunday, Oct. 8, and the day before the official holiday celebrating Columbus’s arrival in the Americas on Oct. 12, 1492.
On a crisp, sunny morning, members of the Columbus Day Observance Committee, county, state, town and village elected officials and three Port Chester police officers gather at the statue of Christopher Columbus up on the hill at Columbus Park off Ryan Avenue where a wreath was placed on the morning of the Columbus Day Parade—Sunday, Oct. 8, and the day before the official holiday celebrating Columbus’s arrival in the Americas on Oct. 12, 1492. (Jananne Abel/Westmore News)

    After the gathering at Columbus Park on the morning of Oct. 8, Ricky Marini (right), who was grand marshal of the Columbus Day Parade later that day, and Mark Scocchera, Grand Knight of the Fr. John M. Grady Council of the Knights of Columbus in Port Chester, raise the Italian flag in Liberty Square which was to fly for the month of October. However, as a demonstration of solidarity with the State of Israel in the face of the atrocities its people have suffered at the hands of Hamas terrorists, it will be replaced by the Israeli flag on Saturday, Oct. 14.
 By Jananne Abel 


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