Section 1 nixes Blind Brook football merger with Hastings

Move ends the Trojans’ grid era at the high school
September 20, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Running back Robby Carey makes his way into the end zone for his first of four touchdowns in a Blind Brook game vs Woodlands in October 2021. Because Section 1 did not approve the merger of Blind Brook’s team with that of Hastings, Carey will not be able to play football his senior year.
Running back Robby Carey makes his way into the end zone for his first of four touchdowns in a Blind Brook game vs Woodlands in October 2021. Because Section 1 did not approve the merger of Blind Brook’s team with that of Hastings, Carey will not be able to play football his senior year. (File Photo/Westmore News)

By MICHAEL IACHETTA | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment
Freelance Reporter

It was supposed to be a done deal. Only it wasn't. And now the proposed football merger between Blind Brook and Hastings isn't going to happen because it was dead and buried as early as this past Monday (9/18), maybe sooner.

In what amounted to a classically understated obituary, Blind Brook Athletic Director Kimberly Saxton simply wrote in an email: "Merger didn't pass."

"You are an Athletic Director of few words," this writer wrote back, asking Saxton to elaborate by answering a few questions about how, when and why Section 1, the administrative body for Westchester athletics, turned down the merger proposal.

AD’s sad words tell story

Her response sounded like a hard-hit quarterback trying to describe why a pass play hadn't been completed moments after being blindsided on an unexpected blitz.

"I don’t have the official letter in which give the detail of the decision, that is why I want to speak facts when they are released," she said.

“When did you learn this?" she was asked.

"9/18 (Monday)," she responded.

“How?" was the next question. "Phone call from Section 1," she said.

“Was there a phone call or statement from Section 1 on the ruling?" was the follow-up query.

"Waiting for official letter as I have not received yet, I do not know what the reasoning," she said.

The Section 1 version

Westmore News reached out to Section 1 for clarification with emails and phone calls to Executive Director Todd Santabarbara and Brian Howard, director of communications, late Tuesday and early Wednesday.

"I reached out to Todd. Will get back to you if I hear anything," Howard said in a series of emails early Wednesday explaining: "Todd is working on a statement on the decision. He and other athletic officials are at an event at MetLife Stadium. I expect to hear back from him later today...

I got your emails, but five of the seven came after hours last night so I didn’t see them until late. Todd had a previously planned out-of-state event today, but we have exchanged texts since I first heard from you...I am efforting as we speak."

His efforts paid off. At 1:51 p.m. Wednesday, just before deadline, the following statement was received from Section 1 on the matter.

What the decision says

"On Friday, September 15th, the Blind Brook School District made a formal request to the Section One Executive Committee to expedite the review of their merger/combined team application of Blind Brook, Hastings, Greenburgh Academy and Clark Academy in the sport of football.

In accordance with the Section One, Inc. Constitution, the Executive Committee is responsible for the general management of the affairs of Section One and shall have the power to act on all matters. Given the aforementioned authority, the Executive Committee conducted a review of the application for merger as well as the supplemental documentation that was provided as a part of the formal request for review.

In accordance with the combining-of-teams application process, each of the three Conferences previously reviewed the request, which would have moved the merged team from Class B to Class A. Concerns were raised about the timing of a new varsity merger, the impacts on other schools’ schedules and competitive balance, and the overall impact to the postseason schedule. Two of the three Conferences were in opposition to the merger.

In consideration of these concerns and after extensive deliberation, the Section One Executive Committee denied the request for Blind Brook to combine with Hastings, Greenburgh Academy and Clark Academy in the sport of football for the Fall 2023 season."

Oddly, the student-athletes knew about the decision as early as last week. "...with the football program's merger with Hastings officially being denied, the spotlight rests solely on the two soccer programs," Ana Savitt wrote in a Westmore News girls’ soccer story published last Friday (9/15).

So the kids knew before the adults did.

The Section 1 decision to oppose the merger cost talented Blind Brook players like Robby Carey, a four-year starter, and running back Carmine Casino their final senior year season. They were among the eight to 12-players who came out for the Blind Brook team Aug. 21, the first day of official football practice. That was not enough to field a team. So Saxton and Hastings AD Drew Wendol discussed the possibility of a merger at a meeting of athletic directors the next day (Aug. 22), and the application process began. It apparently ended at the Executive Committee meeting Sept. 18. And marked the end of a football era at Blind Brook.


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