Bird Homestead & Meeting House Conservancy sponsors Ford Winter’s Marsh Madness

April 18, 2024 at 2:25 a.m.


This program is endowed by the Ford Winter Memorial Fund for Coastal Ecology


One of the more unique aspects of the Bird Homestead & Meeting House is their geographic location, nestled along a surprisingly healthy saltwater marsh within the Blind Brook Estuary. Thanks to the efforts of multiple local organizations, individual residents, and, of course, Mother Nature, our tidal marsh has been growing over the past several years. This intricate and well-populated ecosystem provides a safe haven for millions of insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and shorebirds. The rich plant life which also calls the marsh home not only feeds many of these critters, it serves as a natural filter for the nearly 7,000-acre Blind Brook Watershed. In addition, the salt estuary provides protection from Nor’easters, flooding and rising sea levels.


When: 4-5:30 p.m. on Thursdays beginning Apr. 18

Where: The Meeting House, 624 Milton Rd., Rye

Age: Middle School

Cost: $125 for all 6 classes or $25 per class

April 18           Intro to Life in the Estuary

In partnership with Save the Sound & Long Island Sound Study

April 25           Herons and Egrets and Gulls, Oh My!

Led by Christopher Mignone, VP, Central Westchester Audubon Society

May 2               Flora of the Salt Marsh

Led by Michael Gambino, Curator, Marshlands Conservancy

May 9               Oysters, Clams & Eels

Led by Richard Slater of Rye Fish & Game Club

May 16             Knots & Nots

Led by Captain George Klein

May 23             Ambassadors of the Estuary

Led by Douglas Carey of the Bird Homestead & Meeting House Conservancy

Middle school students from Port Chester, Rye Brook, Rye and Mamaroneck are welcome. The program is dedicated in memory of Ford Winter, longtime educator at the Hommocks Middle School in Mamaroneck who had lived in Port Chester and Rye for many years.

To register, email [email protected] or call (917) 371-1221. Financial assistance is available.


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