Government Meetings
April 24, 2024 at 11:38 p.m.
Port Chester
Mon., Apr. 29
PORT CHESTER PLANNING COMMISSION. Port Chester Senior Center, 220 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6:30 p.m. Agenda: 1) Continued public hearing on application for site plan approval to construct a 100-unit apartment building at 229 Willett Ave. 2) Continued public meeting on application for site plan redevelopment approval for revisions within the 15-story building of 280 residential units, 8,700 s.f. of ground floor commercial space and 271 self-parking spaces at 44 Broad St. 3) Continued public meeting on application for site plan approval and special exception use to allow for a 3-story self-storage facility at 120 Midland Ave. 4) Continued public meeting on application for site plan approval to reactivate and continue redeveloping the commercial parcels along Midland Avenue now known as 120, 130 and 140 Midland. The applicant is proposing to update the façade of the existing 18,586 s.f. building at the site as well as to construct a 3,370 s.f. addition in the rear of the building at 140 Midland Ave. 5) New public meeting on application for site plan approval by United Pentecostal Church for a new two-story rear extension on the existing building at 35 Traverse Ave. 6) New public meeting on application for site plan approval for reuse of the existing building at 189 ½ N. Main St. to convert warehouse space into four loft style apartments. 7) Referral from the Board of Trustees of a local law amending the zoning code establishing a new CD-5T Urban Center Transit Character District, making changes to building and lot plan approval authority and amending the official zoning map of the Village of Port Chester for review and recommendation. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda backup, call 914-937-6780 or visit
Wed., May 1
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA WORK SESSION. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6 p.m.: Executive session. 6:30 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft agenda: 1) Presentation and discussion of 41 Pearl St./Neri Land Improvement, Inc. building expansion plan. 2) Discuss a moratorium on self-storage facilities in the village. 3) Discuss the Real Property Tax Law 467 – Exemption for persons 65 and over with limited income. 4) Discussion on the CD-4 character district. 5) Discussion: Sponsorship and proposal requests by the Port Chester Arts Festival Committee. 6) Report of the village manager. 7) Setting a public hearing to consider amending the zoning code establishing a new CD-5T Urban Center Transit Character District, making changes to building and lot plan approval authority and amending the official zoning map of the Village of Port Chester. 8) Correspondence: a) From the Traffic Commission recommending a traffic study for Barton Place and North Regent Street. b) From the Traffic Commission re the relocation of a loading zone in front of 14 Wilkins Ave. c) From the Seventh-day Adventist Church requesting parking spaces in the parking lot on New Broad Street on May 4 for a wellness fair. 9) Work session on a) Agenda for May 6 Board of Trustees meeting. b) Agenda for May 20 Board of Trustees meeting. Open to the public. For information, final agenda and backup, call 914-939-5202 or visit
Rye Brook
Mon., Apr. 29
RYE BROOK AIRPORT ADVISORY COUNCIL. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 7 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 914-708-7242 or visit
Westchester County
Mon., Apr. 29
WESTCHESTER COUNTY BOARD OF LEGISLATORS. Board of Legislators Chambers, 148 Martine Ave., 8th Floor, White Plains. 7 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 914-995-2800 or visit
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