Government Meetings
August 29, 2024 at 2:15 a.m.
Port Chester
Tues., Sept. 3
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rye Town Justice Court, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 6 p.m.: Executive session to interview candidates for the Planning Commission. 7 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft Agenda: 1) Continued public hearing to consider adopting a local law amending the zoning code imposing a temporary development moratorium on self-storage facilities. 2) Presentation from the Port Chester Carver Center which is in the process of completing a third CDBG application for the renovation of the facility parking lot. 3) Public comments. 4) Report of the village manager. 5) From Washington Engine & Hose on the election of Laurence Caligan to active membership. 6) Approving an extension of the Final United Hospital Subdivision Plat Approval by the Board of Trustees dated Mar. 18, 2024. 7) Authorizing the village manager to enter into a retainer agreement with Paul Derohannesian, Esq., an election attorney. 8) Setting a public hearing on a proposed local law amending the zoning code and the official zoning map of the village to rezone properties on Beech Street from R-2F to CD-4MU. 9) Authorizing IMA with the County of Westchester for access to the County Repository for Integrated Criminalistic Information. 10) Setting a public hearing to consider adopting a local law to amend the zoning code to amend provisions relating to parking space requirements and referring same to the Westchester County Planning Board and the Port Chester Planning Commission. 11) FY 2024-25 General Fund Budget Transfer – Fire Department training. 12) Establish capital project for sanitary sewer improvement on Irving Avenue. 13) Public comments and board comments. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, complete agenda and backup, call 914-939-5202 or visit
Rye Brook
Tues., Sept. 3
RYE BROOK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. Meeting cancelled due to no agenda items.
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