Government Meetings
February 29, 2024 at 3:02 a.m.
Port Chester
Mon., Mar. 4
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Town of Rye Justice Courtroom, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 6 p.m.: Closed session to interview prospective candidates for the open position of village attorney. 7 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft agenda: 1) Presentation by the Industrial Development Agency. 2) Public comments. 3) Report of the village manager. 4) Budget transfer – FY 2023-24 General Fund Recreation Dept. – Easter event. 5) Budget transfer - FY 2023-24 General Fund Recreation Dept. – South East Consortium. 6) Budget Transfer – FY 2023-24 General Fund Village Clerk Dept. – Decals. 7) Budget Transfer – FY 2023-24 General Fund DPW equipment. 8) Authorizing agreement with South East Consortium for Special Services to provide a collective program for citizens with developmental disabilities and special needs. 9) No parking anytime restriction around the traffic island on Brower Place. 10) Adopting Local Law amending the code of the village “Zoning” to amend provisions relating to parking space requirements. 11) Setting a public hearing for the adoption of the village budget and sewer rent rate for FY 2024-25. 12) Setting a public hearing on a local law overriding the tax cap for the FY 2024-25. 13) PSAP project authorize execution of the 2nd supplemental agreement. 14) Appointment of Matthew Troy III as village prosecutor VTL. 15) Awarding RFP for process server services to Asubpoena Service LLC. 16) Providing comment to NYS Liquor Authority in response to notification of an application for a liquor license to be filed by Astarah, LLC. 17) Correspondence: From Port Chester Italian Heritage Club requesting an after parade celebration on New Broad Street on Oct. 13, 2024. 18) Public comments and board comments. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, final agenda and backup, call 914-939-5202 or visit
Tues., Mar. 5
PORT CHESTER TAXI COMMISSION. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 914-939-5202 or visit
Thurs., Mar. 7 - Note change of date from newspaper listing
PORT CHESTER FORM-BASED CODE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CHARACTER DISTRICTS 5 & 6. Port Chester Senior Community Center, 220 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6 p.m. One of a series of committee meetings to review and discuss the existing Character Districts 5 & 6 regulations and develop recommendations for presentation to the Board of Trustees for its consideration. For more information, contact the Department of Planning & Economic Development at 914-937-6780 or planning
Rye Brook
Tues., Mar. 5
RYE BROOK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Agenda: 1) Application to remove the illegal basement apartment and legalize as a finished basement with recreation room, bedroom and bathroom in communication with first floor apartment at 556 Westchester Ave. 2) Application to legalize additions and alterations to a detached garage, new dormer at attic to facilitate workshop with exterior wood stairs to grade. Installation of mechanical equipment to heat garage and removal of covered floating deck structure at 539 Westchester Ave. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda backup, call (914) 939-0668 or visit
Tues., Mar. 5
BLIND BROOK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Blind Brook Middle/High School Library, 840 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Agenda includes 2024-25 Budget Draft #1. Regular bimonthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, complete agenda, call District Clerk Vivian Groccia at 914-937-3600 x1001, email her at [email protected] or visit
Westchester County
Mon., Mar. 4
WESTCHESTER COUNTY BOARD OF LEGISLATORS. Board of Legislators Chambers, 148 Martine Ave., 8th Floor, White Plains. 7 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 914-995-2800 or visit
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