Class of 1961 girls go crazy

July 17, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
On Monday, July 15, some of the "girls" from the Port Chester High School Class of 1961 had a lovely lunch at Sergios's Saw Pit in Port Chester. In attendance, from left, were Betty Brown Federici, Karin Kunstler Goldman, Sandy Kellerman Oringel, Patti Fasano Rinello, Sue Cohen Tansey, Joni Spitz Roberts, Kathy Sullivan Vita, Penny Pennella Schetzel, Eva Polizio Gilarde, Sadie Santora Bauerlein, Pat Turner Ciancuillo, Judy Doyle Byrne and Sandy Gardiner Berlingo. A great time was had by all!
On Monday, July 15, some of the "girls" from the Port Chester High School Class of 1961 had a lovely lunch at Sergios's Saw Pit in Port Chester. In attendance, from left, were Betty Brown Federici, Karin Kunstler Goldman, Sandy Kellerman Oringel, Patti Fasano Rinello, Sue Cohen Tansey, Joni Spitz Roberts, Kathy Sullivan Vita, Penny Pennella Schetzel, Eva Polizio Gilarde, Sadie Santora Bauerlein, Pat Turner Ciancuillo, Judy Doyle Byrne and Sandy Gardiner Berlingo. A great time was had by all! (Courtesy photo of Sandy Berlingo)

On Monday, July 15, some of the "girls" from the Port Chester High School Class …

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