Government Meetings
July 24, 2024 at 10:11 p.m.
Port Chester
Mon., July 29
PORT CHESTER PLANNING COMMISSION. Town of Rye Justice Court, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 6:30 p.m. Agenda: 1) Continued public hearing on application for site plan redevelopment approval for revisions within the 15-story building of 280 residential units, 8,700 s.f. of ground floor commercial space ad 271 self-parking spaces at 44 Broad St. 2) Continued public hearing on application for site plan approval and special exception use to allow for a 3-story self-storage facility at 120 Midland Ave. 3) Continued public hearing on application for site plan approval for reuse of the existing building to convert warehouse space into four loft style apartments at 189 ½ N. Main St. 4) Continued public meeting on application for site plan approval to redevelop the premises at 128-156 N. Main St. with 234 residential units and 245 off-street parking spaces. 5) New public meeting on application for special exception use and site plan approval for a proposed annex to an existing self-storage building at 123 Oak St. (FKA 200 William St.) Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda backup, call 914-937-6780 or visit
Wed., July 31
PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORK SESSION. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6:30 p.m. Draft agenda: 1) Discussion on designating the village’s official newspaper. 2) Discussion on Nella Way resident parking. 3) Discussion on recommending Westchester County Board of Legislators renew and reaffirm, with updates, the Terminal Use Agreements of commercial airlines operating at Westchester County Airport. 4) Discussion on park patrol activity, ticketing and enforcement. 5) Discussion about revising the fines for dogs in parks. 5) Discussion on the future of the CD-5W and what the goals for this district are and how the village can accomplish these goals. 6) Discussion on village committee appointments and length of term. 7) Discussion on 2025 village election. 8) Discussion on moratorium for the creation of new accessory dwelling units in the village. 9) Discussion on Airbnb rules, laws and registry. 10) Report of the village manager. 11) Authorizing the village manager to enter into an agreement with Westchester County with regard to the Port Chester Youth Bureau’s operation of a Summer Youth Employment Program. 12) Providing comment to the New York State Liquor Authority in response to the new application for a liquor license previously filed by 7 Willow Street approving the waiver of 30-day notification required by the NYS Liquor Authority. 13) Authorizing the village manager to enter into an agreement with Westchester County with regard to Title III-B Transportation Services as part of services provided to senior citizens. 14) State transportation services contract. 15) Correspondence: From 1st Baptist Church of Mamaroneck requesting use of the Senior Center for a fashion show on Aug. 24. 16) Work session on Aug. 5 Board of Trustees meeting agenda. Open to the public. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment history of a particular person at the end of the meeting followed by a proposed closed session to consult with the corporation counsel. For information, final agenda and backup, call the Village Clerk’s Office at 914-939-5202 or visit
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