Public Notices
March 21, 2024 at 1:21 a.m.
Notice of Formation of a NY Limited Liability Company. Name: PIOcare Services, LLC. Articles of Organization filing date with Secretary of State (SSNY) was 02/07/2024. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and SSNY shall mail copy of process to Cerissa Ann Soto, 907 Palmer Ave., Apt. B1, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. Purpose is to engage in any and all business activities permitted under NYS laws.
Notice of Formation of DBSG CONSULTING, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 11/27/2023. Office location: Westchester Country. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 26 Murray Hill Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY - MICHELLE BROWN PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, PLLC FIRST: The name of the Limited Liability Company is MICHELLE BROWN PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, PLLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). SECOND: The Articles of Organization of the Cpmpany were filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York on March 16, 2d23. THIRD: The County within New York in which the office of the Company is to be located il Westchester. FOURTH: The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail process to is 7 Crestview Avenue, Cortlandt Manor, New York 10567. FIFTH: The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful activity under the laws of the State of New York. The Articles of Organization of MICHELLE BROWN PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, PLLC were subscribed to by THE KLEISTER LAW GROUP, LLC, 85 East Main Street, Washingtonville, New York 10992.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Chester, New York, having duly convened on March 18, 2024 adopted Local Law No. I-09 of the Year 2023 entitled “A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT CHESTER, CHAPTER 345, “ZONING” TO AMEND PROVISIONS RELATING TO PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS, an abstract which is hereto annexed.
Said Local Law amends the Code of the Village of Port Chester, New York, and shall take effect immediately upon due publication and filing with the Secretary of State.
This Notice is published in the official newspaper designated by resolution of the Board of Trustees. A printed copy thereof shall be conspicuously posted as required by law. The Local Law shall be entered in the Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Chester, New York.
MARCH 22, 2024
On March 4, 2024, the Board of Trustees adopted Local Law I-09 of 2023 amending Chapter 345 “Zoning” to amend provisions relating to parking space requirements.
The amendments increase the parking requirements for multi-family dwellings, as well as the residential portions of live/work, mixed use, shop house and flex buildings from 1 space per dwelling unit to 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit. In addition, for a lot greater than 12,000 square feet where a ratio of off-street parking spaces per unit less than 1.5 but not less than 1.0 is proposed a parking fee in lieu shall be required in a pro-rated amount of $15,000 per space. The local law shall apply to any amended site plan application, which proposes a parking ratio in derogation of what was originally approved.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Rye Brook.
Application # ZBA24-002
Dan Zhu
5 Deer Run
Rye Brook, New York 10573
Applicant Proposes to: Legalize interior and exterior additions and alterations. Rear elevated deck expansion with steps to grade, swimming pool patio, walkway expansions, outdoor kitchen, koi pond, gazebo, concrete patio/sports court, generator, fencing and finished basement
At the premises known as 5 Deer Run in the Village of Rye Brook, New York, situated on the southwest side of Deer Run, approximately 229 feet from the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Deer Run, designated and shown on the most current tax map as Parcel ID# 135.65-1-41, the applicant does hereby request a variance(s) from the following applicable section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance:
§ 250-37.C The maximum allowable total impervious coverage is 5,518.19 square feet. The applicant’s legalization will result in a total impervious coverage of 7,167.38. Therefore, a total impervious coverage variance of 1,649 square feet is requested.
§ 250-6.B.(1)(a) The minimum required setback for a patio/terrace is 6 feet. The applicant proposes to legalize the concrete patio/sports court located at the side yard property line. Therefore, a patio/terrace setback variance of 6 feet is requested.
§ 250-6.B.(1)(a) The minimum required setback for a patio/terrace is 6 feet. The applicant proposes to legalize the outdoor covered kitchen on the patio with a setback of 1.7 feet. Therefore, a patio/terrace setback variance of 4.3 feet is requested.
§ 250-6.B.(1)(a) The minimum required setback for a patio/terrace is 6 feet. The applicant proposes to legalize the koi pond located at the side yard property line. Therefore, a patio/terrace setback variance of 6 feet is requested.
§ 91-4.B.(1) The minimum required setback for a shed is 5 feet. The applicant proposes to legalize the shed with a side yard setback of 4.60 feet and a rear yard setback of 3.65 feet. Therefore, a side yard setback variance of .40 feet and a rear yard setback of 1.35 feet is requested.
A public hearing on said application will be held before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Rye Brook Offices located at 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY 10573. Plans and other materials associated with the proposed application may be reviewed and downloaded via the Public Meetings & Video link from the Rye Brook website homepage and are available for review at the Building Department.
Dated: March 11, 2024
Christopher J. Bradbury,
Village Clerk
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Rye Brook.
Application # ZBA24-003
Joseph Nerenberg
9 Country Ridge Drive
Rye Brook, New York 10573
Applicant Proposes to: Widen full length of driveway and install storm water management system.
At the premises known as 9 Country Ridge Drive in the Village of Rye Brook, New York, situated on the northeast side of Country Ridge Drive, approximately 270 feet from the intersection of Whippoorwill Road and Country Ridge Drive, designated and shown on the most current tax map as Parcel ID# 129.60-1-27, the applicant does hereby request a variance(s) from the following applicable section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance:
§250-6.G.(1)(d) Unenclosed off-street parking shall not be developed within 25 feet of a front lot line. The proposed driveway widening will result in unenclosed off-street parking within 25 feet of the front lot line. Therefore, an unenclosed off-street parking setback variance of 25 feet is requested.
A public hearing on said application will be held before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Rye Brook Offices located at 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY 10573. Plans and other materials associated with the proposed application may be reviewed and downloaded via the Public Meetings & Video link from the Rye Brook website homepage and are available for review at the Building Department.
Dated: March 11, 2024
Christopher J. Bradbury,
Village Clerk
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Rye Brook.
Application # ZBA24-004
Cameron Sager & Jessica Sager
41 Winding Wood Road
Rye Brook, New York 10573
Applicant Proposes to: Construct 2nd story addition over garage, enclose porch and new front entry.
At the premises known as 41 Winding Wood Road in the Village of Rye Brook, New York, situated on the west side of Winding Wood Road, approximately 400 feet from the intersection of Churchill Road and Winding Wood Road, designated and shown on the most current tax map as Parcel ID# 135.26-1-1, the applicant does hereby request a variance(s) from the following applicable section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance:
§250-6.F(7) The existing structure is non-conforming in regard to the front yard setback of 40 feet. The applicant proposes to build a 2nd story addition master suite on top of the 1 story garage that has an existing 35.7 foot front yard setback there in increasing the non-conformity. Therefore, a front yard setback variance of 4.3 feet is requested.
§250-37.B The main building coverage in the R-15 zone is 16%. The applicant proposes an expansion that will increase the main building coverage to 17.4%. Therefore, a main building coverage variance of 1.4% is requested.
A public hearing on said application will be held before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Rye Brook Offices located at 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY 10573. Plans and other materials associated with the proposed application may be reviewed and downloaded via the Public Meetings & Video link from the Rye Brook website homepage and are available for review at the Building Department.
Dated: March 11, 2024
Christopher J. Bradbury,
Village Clerk
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Rye Brook.
Application # ZBA24-005
Jamie Billington & Kara Billington
6 Bonwit Road
Rye Brook, New York 10573
Applicant Proposes to: Construct a 2nd story addition, one story rear addition, new deck, portico, siding and windows.
At the premises known as 6 Bonwit Road in the Village of Rye Brook, New York, situated on the south side of Bonwit Road, approximately 75 feet from the intersection of Elm Hill Drive and Bonwit Road, designated and shown on the most current tax map as Parcel ID# 135.50-1-40, the applicant does hereby request a variance(s) from the following applicable section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance:
§250-21.E The maximum allowable gross floor area is 3,023 square feet. The proposed additions will result in a gross floor area of 3,312 square feet. Therefore, a gross floor area variance of 289 square feet is requested.
§250-37.C The maximum allowable total impervious coverage is 4,850 square feet. The proposed additions will result in a total impervious coverage of 5,108 square feet. Therefore, a total impervious coverage variance of 258 square feet is requested.
A public hearing on said application will be held before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Rye Brook Offices located at 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY 10573. Plans and other materials associated with the proposed application may be reviewed and downloaded via the Public Meetings & Video link from the Rye Brook website homepage and are available for review at the Building Department.
Dated: March 11, 2024
Christopher J. Bradbury,
Village Clerk
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Rye Brook.
Application # ZBA24-006
Shubin Ma & Wen He
10 Boxwood Place
Rye Brook, New York 10573
Applicant Proposes to: Construct a new deck.
At the premises known as 10 Boxwood Place in the Village of Rye Brook, New York, situated on the southeast side of Boxwood Place, approximately 225 feet from the intersection of Dorchester Drive and Boxwood Place, designated and shown on the most current tax map as Parcel ID# 129.67-1-22, the applicant does hereby request a variance(s) from the following applicable section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance:
§250-20-G(2)(a) The minimum required single side yard setback is 15 feet. The Proposed deck will result in a single side yard setback of 10.25 feet. Therefore, a single side yard setback variance of 4.75 feet is requested.
§250-37.D The maximum allowable total impervious coverage is 5,299 square feet. The proposed deck will result in a total impervious coverage of 5,387
square feet. Therefore, a total impervious coverage variance of 88 square feet is requested.
A public hearing on said application will be held before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Rye Brook Offices located at 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY 10573. Plans and other materials associated with the proposed application may be reviewed and downloaded via the Public Meetings & Video link from the Rye Brook website homepage and are available for review at the Building Department.
Dated: March 11, 2024
Christopher J. Bradbury,
Village Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed PAPER BIDS will be received by the Village Administrator of the Village of Rye Brook until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, April 5, 2024, at the Office of the Village Administrator, 938 King Street, Rye Brook, New York, 10573, at which time and place said sealed Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing, upfitting, and delivery of the following:
Contract 24-03 Janitorial Services
Specifications and Proposal Forms will be available on Friday, March 22, 2024, at the Office of the Village Administrator and electronically through BidNetDirect.Com. A bid bond, certified check or bank check in the amount of 5% of the Proposal must accompany the submission. All Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked:
“Bid 24-03 Janitorial Services”
Specifications and Proposal Forms will be additionally available through BidNet ( COMPLETE BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN PAPER FORMAT WITH BID BOND.
The Village of Rye Brook reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities at its discretion, and to award contracts in a manner deemed to be in the best interests of the Village of Rye Brook even if such award is to other than the lowest bidder.
All technical questions should be directed to the Superintendent of Public Works and Engineering, Michal J. Nowak at (914) 939-0753 [email protected]
Christopher J. Bradbury
Village Administrator
Date of Publication:
Friday, March 22, 2024
A nonprofit organization in Westchester, NY is seeking sealed bids for sales and installation of security related enhancements. The project includes (i) installation of one or more: technology (such as CCTV, access control, alarms, sensors, X-ray machines, magnetometer, handheld radios), security film, doors, locks, windows, bollards, booth, planters, barriers, lighting, fencing, privacy fencing, gates, (ii) training programs, (iii) security personnel, and (iv) Cybersecurity. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 PM on April 5, 2024. Work is expected to commence by the week of April 8, 2024 and be completed by September 30, 2024. All interested vendors will be required to demonstrate preliminary qualifications and licensing for this work, acknowledge receipt of the proposal documents, and provide company name, business address, telephone, fax and email address, and primary contact name. Selection criteria will be based on knowledge of surveillance and security, adherence to projected work schedule, prior experience, references, and cost. Specifications and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting us at [email protected].
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