Public Notices

May 16, 2024 at 12:28 a.m.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Village of Port Chester, New York, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 in the Village Justice Courtroom, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY at 6:30 PM or shortly thereafter, to consider an Amended Site Plan Application submitted by the Broad Street Owner, LLC in connection with the properties located at 44 Broad Street in the CD-6T District identified on the Village Tax Map as Section 144.22, Block 2, Lot(s) 69-76, to build a revised program of 280 residential units, 8,700 s.f. of ground floor commercial space, and 271 self-parking spaces within the 15-story building.

All interested parties may appear at the public hearing.

Any questions, please contact the Village Department of Planning and Economic Development at: (914) 937-6780, or [email protected]


Por la presente se da AVISO PÚBLICO de que la Comisión de Planificación de Village of Port Chester, Nueva York, llevará a cabo una AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA el miércoles 29 de mayo de 2024 en la Sala del Tribunal de Justicia de Village, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY a las 6:30 PM o poco después, para considerar una Solicitud de plano de sitio enmendada presentada por Broad Street Owner, LLC en relación con las propiedades ubicadas en 44 Broad Street en el distrito CD-6T identificadas en el mapa de impuestos de la aldea como Sección 144.22, Bloque 2, Lote (s) 69-76, para construir un programa revisado de 280 unidades residenciales, 8,700 pies cuadrados. de espacio comercial en la planta baja y 271 espacios de estacionamiento sin asistencia dentro del edificio de 15 pisos.

A la audiencia pública podrán presentarse todos los interesados.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo Económico de la Villa al: (914) 937-6780, o [email protected]


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Village of Port Chester, New York, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 in the Village Justice Courtroom, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY at 6:30 PM or shortly thereafter, to consider an Amended Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application submitted by the 120 Midland Owner, LLC in connection with the property located at 120 Midland Avenue in the CD-4MU District identified on the Village Tax Map as Section 142.53, Block 1, Lot(s) 5.1, to build and allow a 3-story Self-Storage Facility.

All interested parties may appear at the public hearing.

Any questions, please contact the Village Department of Planning and Economic Development at: (914) 937-6780, or [email protected]


Por la presente se da AVISO PÚBLICO de que la Comisión de Planificación de Village of Port Chester, Nueva York, llevará a cabo una AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA el miércoles 29 de mayo de 2024 en la Sala del Tribunal de Justicia de Village, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY a las 6:30 PM o poco tiempo después, para considerar un Plan de Sitio Enmendado y una Solicitud de Permiso de Excepción Especial presentada por 120 Midland Owner, LLC en relación con la propiedad ubicada en 120 Midland Avenue en el Distrito CD-4MU identificada en el Mapa de Impuestos de la Villa como Sección 142.53, Bloque 1, Lote(s) 5.1, para construir y habilitar una instalación de autoalmacenamiento de 3 pisos.

A la audiencia pública podrán presentarse todos los interesados.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo Económico de la Villa al: (914) 937-6780, o [email protected]


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Village of Port Chester, New York, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 in the Village Justice Courtroom, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY at 6:30 PM or shortly thereafter, to consider a Site Plan Application submitted by the 140 Midland Owner, LLC in connection with the property located at 140 Midland Avenue in the CD-4MU District identified on the Village Tax Map as Section 145.53, Block 1, Lot(s) 4, to update the façade of the existing 18,586 s.f. building at the Site, as well as to construct a 3,370 s.f. addition in the rear of the building.

All interested parties may appear at the public hearing.

Any questions, please contact the Village Department of Planning and Economic Development at: (914) 937-6780, or [email protected]


Por la presente se da AVISO PÚBLICO de que la Comisión de Planificación de Village of Port Chester, Nueva York, llevará a cabo una AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA el miércoles 29 de mayo de 2024 en la Sala del Tribunal de Justicia de Village, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY a las 6:30 PM o poco después, para considerar una Solicitud de plano del sitio presentada por 140 Midland Owner, LLC en relación con la propiedad ubicada en 140 Midland Avenue en el distrito CD-4MU identificada en el mapa de impuestos de la aldea como Sección 145.53, Bloque 1, Lote ( s) 4, para actualizar la fachada del edificio existente de 18,586 pies cuadrados. edificio en el Sitio, así como para construir un terreno de 3,370 pies cuadrados. Además en la parte trasera del edificio.

A la audiencia pública podrán presentarse todos los interesados.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo Económico de la Villa al: (914) 937-6780, o [email protected]



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution, a summary of which is published herewith, has been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Rye Brook, Westchester County, New York, (the "Village"), on April 9, 2024, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said Village is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of the State of New York. Such resolution was subject to a permissive referendum and the period of time has elapsed for the submission and filing of a petition for a permissive referendum and a valid petition has not been submitted and filed.

A summary of the aforesaid resolution is set forth below. The resolution provides as follows: that the faith and credit of the Village are irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable; that an annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and payable in such year; that the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds authorized by such resolution, including renewals of such notes, is delegated to the Village Treasurer; that all other matters, except as provided in such resolution, relating to the bonds authorized, including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed in such resolution and the manner of the execution of the same and also including the consolidation with other issues, and the authority to issue such obligations on the basis of substantially level or declining annual debt service, is delegated to and shall be determined by the Village Treasurer; and that this LEGAL NOTICE shall be published.

A summary of the bond resolution follows:



The period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is twenty years under subdivision twenty-seven of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law.


Dated: April 10, 2024

Rye Brook, New York

Chris Bradbury

Village Clerk

975 Anderson Hill Road Redevelopment

Notice of Public Hearing on the Draft DEIS Scoping Outline on

 May 28, 2024, 7:30 PM

Rye Brook Village Hall, 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY

This notice is issued pursuant to Part 6 NYCRR 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law (“SEQRA”) and Section 250-40.B of the Village of Rye Brook Code.

The Village of Rye Brook Board of Trustees is considering a petition submitted on behalf of Cohen Purchase Building Company LLC (“Applicant”) for an amendment to the Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) section of the Zoning Code, and applications for approval of a PUD Concept Plan, PUD Site Plan, PUD Subdivision and Tree Removal Permit, for the property located at 975 Anderson Hill Road in the Village of Rye Brook. (See below for a more detailed description of the Proposed Project.)

The Proposed Project requires the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) due to the potential to result in one or more significant adverse environmental impacts. The next step in the SEQRA process is the adoption of a DEIS Scoping Outline. The DEIS Scoping outline, when finalized by the Board of Trustees, will detail the scope and methodology of the environmental analyses that must be included in the DEIS.

The Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the Draft DEIS Scoping Outline on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:30 PM in Village Hall, 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY. In addition, written comments regarding the scope of the DEIS will be received until May 31, 2024. Written comments can be mailed to: Christopher Bradbury, Village Clerk, Village of Rye Brook, 938 King Street, Rye Brook, NY, 10573. Comments will also be accepted via e-mail to . Additional information on the project can be obtained from Christopher Bradbury at (914) 939-1121.

Project Description

The Proposed Project would include (i) a new lodge that contains a hotel and conference center (approximately 220 hotel rooms), residential units (40 units), ballrooms, restaurants, and recreational and other facilities, (ii) a separate multifamily residential building, including affordable units, and (iii) a wellness center/medical office building that would also contain workforce units, together with related amenities, landscaping, parking and other site improvements. The Site would continue to be accessed from Anderson Hill Road.

To allow for the redevelopment of the Project Site, the Applicant has petitioned the Village Board of Trustees to add a new section to the Rye Brook Zoning Code as Section 250-7(E)(7). The Proposed Zoning Amendment would clarify the meaning of a “lodge” use and ensure that the Project complies with the applicable bulk and dimensional requirements, including the establishment of new maximum building heights for each type of residential and non-residential use within the PUD.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing pursuant to Article 18-A of the New York General Municipal Law (the “Act”) will be held by the Village of Port Chester Industrial Development Agency (the “Agency”) on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Village of Port Chester Senior Center, Village Hall, 222 Grace Church Street, Port Chester, New York 10573, in connection with the matter described below.

BOSTON POST ROAD OWNER, LLC, (the “Company”) has submitted an Application for Financial Assistance (the “Application”) to the Agency requesting the Agency’s assistance with:

1) a certain project (the “Master Developer Project”) consisting of: (i) the acquisition by the Agency of a leasehold interest in an approximately 15.45 acres of real property located at 406-408 Boston Post Road and 999 High Street in the Village of Port Chester, New York (the “Land”, being more particularly described as current TMID Nos. 141.52-1-2, 141.52-1-2.1 and 141.52-1-2.4), such Land being the former United Hospital Campus, which contained approximately 500,000 square feet of former hospital buildings and supporting administrative, residential, utility and other above ground and subsurface structures and improvements, along with other parking, curbage and related site improvements (the “Existing Improvements”); (ii) the planning, design, engineering, and permitting for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Land as a subdivided commercial campus to be known as “Westchester Crossing”, which is proposed to be developed to include 975 apartment units within five (5) building structures, approximately 33,000 square feet of commercial and amenity building spaces, a 120 room hotel facility, 1088 structured and surface parking spaces, various open space and park areas, and related roadway, curbage, utilities and supportive infrastructure, (iii) the demolition of the Existing Improvements and the environmental remediation and stabilization of the Land, (iv) the re-subdivision of the Land into nine (9) separate tax lots for the individual components of the Master Developer Project for use as redevelopment lots and lots to be dedicated to the Village for public roadways and open spaces (out of which proposed new TMID Nos. 141.52-1-31, 141.52-1-31.2, 141.52-1-31.4, 141.52-31.5, 141.52-1-31.6, 141.52-1-31.7 and 141.52-1-31.8 will be included in the Master Developer Project; and out of which 141.52-1-31.3 and 141.52-1-31.9 will be excluded), (v) the reconstruction, construction and installation of site-wide earthwork, site stabilization, general infrastructure, subsurface infrastructure, surface roadways, curbage, utilities, access and egress improvements, storm water improvements, sidewalks, landscaping, amenities, signage and related improvements intended to stabilize and support the vertical redevelopment of the Land (the “Master Developer Improvements”), (vi) the acquisition of and installation in and around the Master Developer Improvements by the Company of machinery, equipment, fixtures and other items of tangible personal property (the “Master Developer Equipment” and, collectively with, the Land, the Existing Improvements and the Master Developer Improvements, the “Master Developer Facility”); and (iv) entering into a straight lease transaction (within the meaning of subdivision (15) of Section 854 of the Act), pursuant to which the Agency will retain a leasehold interest in the Master Developer Facility for a period of time and sublease such interest in the Master Developer Facility back to the Company (the “Master Developer Straight Lease Transaction”); and

2) The Company, for itself and/or a related entity or entities to be formed (the “Phase 1 Owner”), a certain mixed use residential and commercial project (the “Phase 1 Project”) consisting of: (i) the acquisition by the Agency of a leasehold interest in certain subdivided lots identified as Lot 1 (TMID 141.52-1-31, containing approximately 3.56 acres) and Lot 5 (TMID No. 141.52-1-31.5, containing approximately .292 acre) located within Westchester Crossing (collectively, the “Phase 1 Land”), along with the existing site improvements thereon (the “Phase 1 Existing Improvements”); (ii) the construction, operation and leasing of an approximately 565,843 square foot, 6-story, multi-tenanted, mixed use redevelopment project that will include: (a) approximately 419 residential apartment units consisting of studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom dwellings within 2 separate building structures on Lot 1, with 47 units of affordable housing leased in accordance with Village Code requirements, (b) approximately 17,000 square feet of tenant amenity spaces and 15,370 square feet of street level commercial space to be leased as single or multi-tenanted mixed use commercial/retail space, including a 3-story building structure containing approximately 24,000 square feet or commercial and amenity spaces on Lot 5, (c) structured parking improvements providing for approximately 396 parking spaces within surface and subsurface levels, and (d) additional tenant amenity spaces, lobbies, common areas, green spaces, various subsurface structural improvements, access and egress improvements, storm water improvements, utility improvements, signage, curbage, sidewalks, and landscaping improvements (collectively, the “Phase 1 Improvements”); (iii) the acquisition of and installation in and around the Phase 1 Existing Improvements and Phase 1 Improvements by the Phase 1 Owner of machinery, equipment, fixtures and other items of tangible personal property (the “Phase 1 Equipment” and, collectively with, the Phase 1 Land, the Phase 1 Existing Improvements and the Phase 1 Improvements, the “Phase 1 Facility”); and (iv) entering into a straight lease transaction (within the meaning of subdivision (15) of Section 854 of the Act), pursuant to which the Agency will retain a leasehold interest in the Phase 1 Facility for a period of time and sublease such interest in the Phase 1 Facility back to the Phase 1 Owner (the “Phase 1 Straight Lease Transaction”); and

3) The Company, for itself and/or a related entity or entities to be formed (the “Phase 2 Owner”), a certain mixed use residential and commercial project (the “Phase 2 Project”) consisting of:  (i) the acquisition by the Agency of a leasehold interest in certain subdivided lots identified as Lot 6 (TMID No. 141.52-1-31.6, containing approximately 3.594 acres) and Lot 8 (TMID No. 141.52-1-31.8, containing approximately .499 acre) located within Westchester Crossing (the “Phase 2 Land”), along with the existing site improvements thereon (the “Phase 2 Existing Improvements”); (ii) the construction, operation and leasing of an approximately 430,248 square foot, 6-story, multi-tenanted, mixed use redevelopment project that will include: (a) approximately 356 residential apartment units consisting of studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom dwellings within 2 separate building structures on Lots 6 and 8, with 40 units of affordable housing leased in accordance with Village Code requirements, (b) approximately 7,900 square feet of tenant amenity spaces and 2,800 square feet of street level commercial space to be leased as single or multi-tenanted mixed use commercial/retail space, (c) structured parking improvements providing for approximately 386 parking spaces within surface and subsurface levels, and (d) additional tenant amenity spaces, lobbies, common areas, green spaces, various subsurface structural improvements, access and egress improvements, storm water improvements, utility improvements, signage, curbage, sidewalks, and landscaping improvements (collectively, the “Phase 2 Improvements”); (iii) the acquisition of and installation in and around the Phase 2 Existing Improvements and Phase 2 Improvements by the Phase 2 Owner of machinery, equipment, fixtures and other items of tangible personal property (the “Phase 2 Equipment” and, collectively with, the Phase 2 Land, the Phase 2 Existing Improvements and the Phase 2 Improvements, the “Phase 2 Facility”); and (iv) entering into a straight lease transaction (within the meaning of subdivision (15) of Section 854 of the Act), pursuant to which the Agency will retain a leasehold interest in the Phase 2 Facility for a period of time and sublease such interest in the Phase 2 Facility back to the Phase 2 Owner (the “Phase 2 Straight Lease Transaction”); and

4) The Company, for itself and/or a related entity or entities to be formed (the “Phase 3 Owner”), a certain residential apartment project (the “Phase 3 Project”) consisting of:  (i) the acquisition by the Agency of a leasehold interest in certain a subdivided lot identified as Lot 2 (TMID No. 141.52-1-31.2, containing approximately 1.748 acres) located within Westchester Crossing (the “Phase 3 Land”), along with the existing site improvements thereon (the “Phase 3 Existing Improvements”); (ii) the construction, operation and leasing of an approximately 215,000 square foot, 8-story age-restricted residential apartment building consisting of 200 studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom dwellings, (b) structured parking improvements providing for approximately 112 parking spaces within surface and subsurface levels, and (d) tenant amenity spaces, lobbies, common areas, green spaces, various subsurface structural improvements, access and egress improvements, storm water improvements, utility improvements, signage, curbage, sidewalks, and landscaping improvements (collectively, the “Phase 3 Improvements”); (iii) the acquisition of and installation in and around the Phase 3 Existing Improvements and Phase 3 Improvements by the Phase 3 Owner of machinery, equipment, fixtures and other items of tangible personal property (the “Phase 3 Equipment” and, collectively with, the Phase 3 Land, the Phase 3 Existing Improvements and the Phase 3 Improvements, the “Phase 3 Facility”); and (iv) entering into a straight lease transaction (within the meaning of subdivision (15) of Section 854 of the Act), pursuant to which the Agency will retain a leasehold interest in the Phase 3 Facility for a period of time and sublease such interest in the Phase 3 Facility back to the Phase 3 Owner (the “Phase 3 Straight Lease Transaction”); and

5) The Company, for itself and/or a related entity or entities to be formed (the “Phase 4 Owner”), a certain commercial hotel project (the “Phase 4 Project”) consisting of:  (i) the acquisition by the Agency of a leasehold interest in a certain subdivided lot identified as Lot 4 (TMID No. 141.52-1-31.4, containing approximately 1.131 acres) located within Westchester Crossing (the “Phase 4 Land”), along with the existing site improvements thereon (the “Phase 4 Existing Improvements”); (ii) the construction and operation of an approximately 118,008 square foot, 6-story hotel facility containing 120 rental rooms, along with structured parking improvements providing for approximately 140 parking spaces within surface and subsurface levels, lobbies, common areas, green spaces, various subsurface structural improvements, access and egress improvements, storm water improvements, utility improvements, signage, curbage, sidewalks, and landscaping improvements (collectively, the “Phase 4 Improvements”); (iii) the acquisition of and installation in and around the Phase 4 Existing Improvements and Phase 4 Improvements by the Phase 4 Owner of machinery, equipment, fixtures and other items of tangible personal property (the “Phase 4 Equipment” and, collectively with, the Phase 4 Land, the Phase 4 Existing Improvements and the Phase 4 Improvements, the “Phase 4 Facility”); and (iv) entering into a straight lease transaction (within the meaning of subdivision (15) of Section 854 of the Act), pursuant to which the Agency will retain a leasehold interest in the Phase 4 Facility for a period of time and sublease such interest in the Phase 4 Facility back to the Phase 4 Owner (the “Phase 4 Straight Lease Transaction”).

The Agency is contemplating providing financial assistance to the Company, Phase 1 Owner, Phase 2 Owner, Phase 3 Owner and Phase 4 Owner (collectively, the “Applicants”) with respect to the above described projects (collectively, the “Financial Assistance”) in the form of: (A) an exemption from all State and local sales and use taxes with respect to qualifying personal property included in or incorporated into the above-described facilities or used in the acquisition, construction or equipping of the facilities; (B) mortgage recording tax exemption(s) relating to financings undertaken by the Applicants in furtherance of the projects, and (C) a partial real property tax abatement through one or more payment-in-lieu-of-tax agreements (collectively, the “PILOT Agreement”), pursuant to which the Applicants would make payments in lieu of real property taxes to each affected tax jurisdiction (the “Affected Tax Jurisdictions”).

In accordance with Section 859-a of the Act, a representative of the Agency will be at the above-stated time and place to present a copy of the Company’s Project Application (including a cost-benefit analysis), which is also available for viewing on the Agency’s website at: Interested parties will be provided a reasonable opportunity, both orally and in writing, to present their views with respect to the Master Development Project.  The Agency will also stream the public hearing via a video link that will also be provided at Finally, the Agency also encourages all interested parties to submit written comments to the Agency, which will all be included within the public hearing record.  The Agency also welcomes and encourages written comments to be submitted to Agency Administrative Director Christopher Steers at 222 Grace Church Street, Port Chester, New York 10573 and/or [email protected] and (914) 939-5200.

Dated: May 14, 2024




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