Luis Marino has earned a second term as mayor

Over the past decade, I have closely worked with Luis Marino, first in his capacity as Village Trustee and then, for the last two years as Mayor. Lou has always been a humble, straightforward friend with none of the hubris that often accompanies elected officials. He cares deeply about Port …

A vote for Luis Marino is a vote for a better P.C.

I am writing on behalf of my friend (or my brother, as he likes to be called) Mayor Luis Marino, who is running for re-election for mayor of the Village of Port Chester.

Mayor Marino works for everyone

Re-elect an experienced mayor who has been working for the people of Port Chester as our mayor and before that as a village trustee. He has done many things for the residents of Port Chester of which the average voter is unaware.

Luis Marino for mayor!

Why do I support Luis Marino? I met Luis Marino more than 14 years ago while coordinating the cumulative voting education program in Port Chester. From the start I have had a great and productive working relationship with him.

P.C. is going in the right direction under Mayor Marino’s leadership

I am writing this letter in support of Mr. Luis Marino for Mayor of Port Chester. 

Re-elect Mayor Luis Marino, a giver of his time and energy

I am writing today in support of the re-election of Mayor Luis Marino. Although I do not have a “horse in this race” as a Rye Brook resident, I thought it was important to voice support for Lou. I’ve known Lou for nearly 30 years both personally and through his …

County legislator supports re-election of Luis Marino

I am writing to encourage residents of Port Chester to support the re-election of Luis Marino as Mayor of Port Chester. Over the last two years, Mayor Marino has demonstrated that he has what it takes to represent his constituents in the Village. He has been a mayor for all …

Re-elect Luis Marino as Mayor of Port Chester

As a longtime resident and voter of Port Chester, I strongly support the re-election of Luis Marino for mayor. We must get out to vote on Tuesday, Mar. 21. 

Destructive attempt to delay long-needed filtration plant

I read in disbelief that the latest entry to the game of Not In MY Backyard was the Purchase Meeting Religious Society of Friends—the Quakers. None of the players in this "sick" game are denying the imperative need for the filtration plant, just that they want it to be someplace …

Leaf blower ban a great idea

Kudos to Jeremiah Hassel for his comprehensive and balanced reporting on the leaf blower ban proposed for Rye Brook. I feel that the proposed ban, which would align us with several other environmentally aware Westchester communities, is a great idea. 

Blindsided by the numbers

I was reading last week’s Westmore News. In it was an article about the upcoming school budget for next year. As I read, I was blindsided by the new numbers coming out. 

2 trustees support re-election of P.C. Mayor Luis Marino

As Democratic members on the Port Chester Board of Trustees, we write to express our fervent support of Mayor Luis Marino for re-election to a second term. Since even before taking office, Mayor Marino has been visible in the community and that is extremely important in a community such as …

Article disregarded the facts

This letter is in response to the article that appeared in the sports section of Westmore News on 3/2 highlighting the upcoming 2023 varsity baseball team, its players and opening day festivities.

We’ve lost our minds

I think the first sign of losing your mind is losing your common sense.  

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: When a comedian says ‘Ukraine is more united than we are,’ you know major crises are coming our way

Everyone who watched comedian Chris Rock’s live Netflix special last Saturday night had to come away with their own favorite lines or themes.