Letter: Proposed P.C. school budget provides win-win situation for all

When was the last time Port Chester residents saw no increase in their school taxes? Has it ever happened? We finally have the opportunity to do so. For years the residents have been advocating for more Foundation Aid and all the hard work has finally come to fruition. 

Letter: The lesser-known benefits of expansion at Westchester County Airport

While it’s already been reported that some local residents do not favor Million Air’s proposed expansion of Westchester County Airport (HPN), an important side of the story has been missing. The benefits of development at HPN have not been nearly as widely discussed and need to be understood amidst the …

Letter: Parent running for Blind Brook school board concerned about waning strength of schools

I’m writing to explain why I’ve chosen to run for Blind Brook school board. Like many of you, my husband and I chose to move to Rye Brook because of the excellent reputation of our schools. Small classes with a rigorous academic program in a warm community seemed ideal. Unfortunately, …

Letter: People of Ukraine, Part II

NATO had it emergency summit in Europe last week. NATO is bending over backwards to avoid a possible confrontation with the fascist Putin regime. In what alternative reality do you believe that cowardice can stop the bully? World War II taught us nothing. Two totalitarian regimes, Nazi Germany and the …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Blind Brook’s longtime competitor Edgemont gets a new school superintendent, making history

Now that the Blind Brook School Board’s search for a new superintendent has ended with the clearly obvious decision to promote Colin Byrne from interim to permanent superintendent, there’s no better time to look at the most newsworthy superintendent choice this year of any district in Westchester

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Doing your homework on understanding our most committed adversary: Russia’s Putin

President Joe Biden has declared Russian President Vladimir Putin a “butcher,” “inhumane,” a "murderous dictator,” and a “pure thug who is waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine.”

Letter: On proposed single-use paper ban

The writer submitted this letter to his state legislators, which represents his opinion on the paper bag ban they are purportedly considering: I am writing to you as my State representative and appreciate the excellent constituent service you have provided. This is a rare time I write on a public …

Letter: BOT: We know you can talk; show us you can listen

In the most recent Port Chester Board of Trustees election, 1,694 people voted, only about 12% of active voters in Port Chester. That’s a pathetically low number no matter how you dice it. Why so low? Well, there’s the fact that the election is held in March with no other …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Thanks to readers for keeping a close eye on Russian threats: we are appropriately warned

We have the best readers at the Westmore News. They keep us on our toes. And give us insights and tips into local and even international developments that we may have missed.

Letter: Next three years make-or-break for Port Chester—Does anyone care?

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the candidates for the Port Chester village trustee election that took place last Tuesday. 

Letter: People of Ukraine: Remember them

While the West is sleeping peacefully, Ukrainians experience firsthand the ugly “Russian world.”

Letter: A thank you from Joan Grangenois-Thomas

Thank you to all the voters who voted in this election. A special thanks to all the voters who voted for me, John Allen and Phil Dorazio. I am humbled that you saw fit to give me three more years to be the change you want to see. 

Letter: Thanks to those who served

Last week the Villages of Rye Brook and Port Chester held elections for their trustees, and in the case of Rye Brook, their mayor. It is worth taking a few moments to thank the people who spent several years serving the residents of their respective communities, but who decided not …

From Our Editor: Mayor Paul Rosenberg will be a tough act to follow

I won’t go on at length as I’m sure will happen at next Tuesday’s Rye Brook Board of Trustees meeting, but I did want to say that we appreciate all the time and effort Paul Rosenberg has put into making the Village of Rye Brook a better place to live …

Letter: Our library is under siege

Last week the League of Women Voters asked candidates running for the Port Chester Board of Trustees an important question about the Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library.