Letter: Justice candidates should remove campaign signs from public property

Campaign signs do not belong on public property. The four attorneys running for the three seats for Rye Town Justice on the November ballot have spawned a sign war in our community. Some of these signs have appeared in public parks and on traffic islands. They should be removed, and …

Letter: Public hearing continues on changes to PC IDA’s governing document on Oct. 13

The Port Chester Industrial Development Agency (PC IDA) received considerable comment at its Sept. 8 public hearing on amendments it is considering to its governing document, known as the Uniform Tax Exemption Policy (UTEP).

Letter: Vote for Peter Sisca for Rye Town Justice

A little less than a month from now we will all go to the polls again. On a local level we will be choosing Rye Town Justices, the first election since the Port Chester Court was consolidated into the Rye Town Court.

Letter: An opinion on abortion

What type of religious formation have these people had? Do they not know that abortion is murder; it is the killing of life in the mother’s womb. Abortion is no different than anyone killing someone on the streets because they do not like that individual.

Letter: Death of the Bailies was avoidable

I am writing regarding the unfortunate deaths of Kenneth and Frances Bailie on Sept. 1 on Lincoln Avenue during flooding of the street caused by Blind Brook overflowing its banks during the torrential rains of Hurricane Ida.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Guess what? There’s a major need for you to vote in the election this November

You’re just recovering from last November’s election season, and you have to go to the polls again next month? For what? The big races are for Governor in New Jersey and Virginia this year. You’ve seen that on the TV news and read about it in print and online. You’ve …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Blind Brook School Board angst: How did we get to this point, and what does it say about all of us?

There are few areas of American life more volatile these days than school board meetings. Requiring masks to prevent COVID? Mandatory vaccinations for students 12 years and older, let alone the oncoming approved vaccines for children ages 5-12?

Letter: What will remain by 2026?

The first map shows Port Chester with the historic buildings downtown marked with green squares. This is what the downtown looked like in 2020, when the Form Based Code was passed by the Board of Trustees. The Form Based Code was supposed to ensure a "Historic Character District" downtown. However, …

Letter: Vote for Peter Sisca

Peter Sisca is my friend and neighbor, and he is running for Rye Town justice. He has 20 years of experience serving this community as a judge and is the only candidate for judge in this election who can claim such experience. Not only does Peter bring significant experience as …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: George Latimer makes his pitch for second term as county executive

Why should you give Democrat George Latimer a second (and term limited final) four years as county executive when you cast a vote leading up to or on Nov. 2, 2021? 

Letter: Peter Sisca: Honest, understanding and fair

Friends that turned into family. I have known Mr. Sisca (Peter) since I was 3 years old as we were neighbors, and his daughter Andrea is one of my oldest friends. All of my childhood memories have Mr. Sisca and his family in them. Including the day I broke my …

Letter: Taxpayers, not developers, need a tax break

During the past couple years, the Village of Port Chester has been attracting developers who wish to do some large projects here, mainly commercial residential sites. While development is a good thing, we must be vigilant on their size and location. 

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A 9/11 remembrance appealing to the common good jarred by warnings of a fierce new `malign force’

I started writing this column with tears in my eyes on our collective day of sadness and horror and remembrance, September 11. 

Letter: Development should benefit village and pay its fair share of taxes

I am not anti development, nor do I want to turn the downtown into a museum. I do, however, think that public agencies should be accountable to the public when said agency has a significant amount of power. The Industrial Development Agency is just such an agency.

Letter: We will not be silenced

The decision to remove the only two young people from the community conversation about marijuana is a shameful one. This decision tells the young people of Port Chester that the Board of Trustees does not care to hear their opinions about marijuana.