Letter: Something is very much amiss with our Board of Education

First, we have our Board of Education president still sitting in his seat, continuing to run meetings despite the fact he is facing charges over racist posts that were found on his Facebook account.

Letter: Do our elected officials stand by their words?

Have you read the Ethics Committee Report of Investigation on Thomas Corbia?

Letter: Corbia’s alleged racist remarks are damaging Port Chester

I fully understand that people in Port Chester are tired of the Corbia issue. However, the Board of Education hearing on charges against Corbia is about to take place.

Letter: Tom Corbia’s despicable disparagement of our Latino community cannot stand

I had not been following the community debate relative to Tom Corbia’s racist remarks. However, a number of friends have been bringing me up to speed on our community’s debate and the more I find out, the more I am angered. 

Letter: Understanding One World

I want to thank Jim Black for taking time to visit the One World website and for sharing his concerns about One World. He raises a number of fair-minded concerns that I would like to address here.

I on The Daily News: Vulture capitalists circle over The NY Daily News while tabloid hangs on in its winter of discontent

Everybody dies. Young. Old. It’s nothing special. Until it happens to you. Or someone you love. It’s what you do with your life that matters. 

Letter: We need to pass S.830/A.4448 ASAP

When I think about all the issues that plague our democracy, one that makes me especially angry is felony disenfranchisement. 

Letter: We took on Larry Flynt!

At this point most of us are absolutely sick of politics and the COVID virus, so I thought I’d change the subject and take you back a few years.

Letter: A tribute to Doris Bailey-Reavis

Although I try to be optimistic, there are times when the magnitude of what the pandemic has stolen from us is overwhelming. One of the greatest losses is the precious time we have to spend with the people we love. 

Letter: Why the Port Chester School District needs the One World program

Letters like the one published by Jim Black are the sole reason why this school district needs a One World program.

Letter: Private developers run amok

I watched with horror as Anthony Gioffre, the attorney for the 30 Broad Street Development project, informed the Planning Commission on Jan. 25 “as a courtesy” that the developer had decided to change the number of residential units in the building from 22 to 36. 

Letter: Elect Rocco Latella for P.C. mayor who will focus on getting things done

Rocco Latella is running for mayor. We need his business sense to run the meetings of the Board of Trustees.

Letter: Latella pledges to work for unity

As I campaign throughout the Village, the message I carry is this: We will soon have a New Mayor, with a New Manager, and a New Planning Director.

Letter: Fellow trustee corrects Luis Marino’s letter

Responding to Luis Marino’s letter in last week’s paper, he is not entitled to his own facts.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Shocking news keeps on coming

It’s been a traumatic few days as I write this. Where to begin? The aftermath of the Senate impeachment trial?