October 23, 2024
County Executive George Latimer and some of the attendees at the kick-off event for Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. The buzzing fall kickoff was held at Hudson Grille in White Plains on Tuesday, Oct. 22.
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Facts of Life
Early voting will take place Sat., Oct. 26-Sun., Nov. 3. The general election is Nov. 5. Election inspectors are needed. Requirements are as follows: at least 18 years of age or, if you are 17 years old, you may be eligible if your school district participates in a program under Education Law Section 3207a; you are registered to vote in the County of Westchester; must be available from 5 a.m.-9:30 p.m. or to the close of polls. Election inspectors receive $350 for working on Election Days plus $25 to attend training class and pass an exam. To apply to be an election inspector, call 914/995-5700 or go to the Westchester County Board of Elections at https;//citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com
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