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The meaning of Christmas at Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary
December 21, 2017 at 3:28 a.m.
During the grand finale of Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary School’s pre-kindergarten to second-grade Christmas play, the second graders spell out and explain the meaning of Christmas with an acrostic poem in the school auditorium on Friday night, Dec. 15.
Third-grader Ariana Ayala plays “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” on the violin with the rest of the students in the string program at Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary School.
As the only clarinetist on stage, nine-year-old Dylan Cabrera focuses on his armature and sheet music during the concert.
Christmas play between set entertainers Eliza DaSilva (left), Luna Silva and Gianna Marriott set up the kindergarteners’ act and entertain the audience with jokes about holiday shopping madness.
Arkgel Duchimaza (left) and Lucas Pedreyra, three-year-olds at Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary, giggle and eagerly wiggle their bells while singing “Jingle Bells.”
Six-year-olds Camilia Villa (left), Sophia De La Cruz and Mateo Gomez look very cool with their sunglasses and homemade guitars while rocking out to “Jingle Bell Rock.”
Michael Pace, a sixth-grader, sets the beat for the band students while mimicking sleigh bells as they play “A Christmas Sleigh Ride” at the concert.
Four-year-olds Matteo Marzani (left) and Gaston Tarnovsky have some cool dance moves in their repertoire.
Carina Lopez, a first-grader, is happy to wear her classy holiday dress and perform for a full audience.
Talia Aiello is pretty serious while Tyler Milano is a little silly before their kindergarten performance.