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Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary students put a twist on the birth of Jesus
December 24, 2019 at 5:37 a.m.
Singing “Come and See” while surrounding Mary (played by Isabella Bezerra) and Baby Jesus (played by Isabella Valdovinos), “The Night Shift Before Christmas” cast recreates the classic nativity scene at the end of the show on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary School students celebrate Christmas with a creative musical about the night Jesus was born, set in a fictional diner in Bethlehem called Falafel House.
During a musical number about trusting the Lord’s word, Cristina Buccieri harmoniously sings the solos.
Chorus members of “The Night Shift Before Christmas” take to the stage to show off their dancing skills between scenes in “You Can Trust a Promise of God.”
After it’s revealed an angel told the pregnant Mary that she’s sure to have a baby boy, Alexis Matos-Callados stands with other chorus members to sing “God Has a Plan.”
When the angels appear to announce to the world that Jesus has been born, Falafel House diner employees step back to let them spread the word. From the left: Daniel DeLeo, Matthew Campoverde and Michael Pokornicki.
During the angel’s song “Great News of Great Joy,” soloists Analee Aviles (left) and Matthew Valdovinos share the microphone to lead the chorus.
Very excited to be seeing a Christmas play, Madison Avenue 2-year-old Samara Gonzalez grins and points to the stage as the actors take their bows.