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Return of Port Chester Day does not disappoint
September 3, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
A picture’s worth a thousand words. Hawley Avenue resident Cora Mercaldi, 4, offers up a big smile for the camera while her mother Amanda captures a precious Port Chester Day moment at Lyon Park on Saturday, Aug. 28 by snapping a shot of her vivid butterfly face painting.
The Port Chester Fire Department may have found their newest firefighter as Rye Brook resident Spencer Sheer gets a kick out of exploring their engines on display for children.
It may be August, but Alizah Jacob (left) and Madison Gomez find it’s the perfect season for snowman building at the Clay Art Center’s craft station. The King Street School rising kindergarteners said they would have spent all day at the table if they could.
Putnam Drive resident Nina Barrenechea, 4, is thrilled to see her mother as she loops around in her swan seat on the merry-go-round ride.
With a little boost from her dad, Joe Maczko of Greenwich, Conn., 3-year-old Sydney Maczko gets to the ideal height to take a basketball shot.
Just a little off balance after zooming down the giant inflatable slides, Barton Place resident Gavin Collins, 4, quickly jumps out before other children reach the bottom.
Black belts Jimmy Mitchell (left) and Russell Fulmore, of Port Chester and White Plains, respectively, reveal the secrets behind self-defense during the Rico Dos Anjos karate demonstration.
Charlie Sacco cheerfully helps County Legislator Nancy Barr support the Knights of Columbus by talking her through her restaurant raffle ticket purchase.
The Bel-Aires, a Port Chester Day entertainment classic, cue the crowd to sing along to their tunes from the 50s and 60s.
Rye Brook resident Anita Charleswell’s inner-groove comes out as she can’t help but dance around the lawn to the Bel-Aires doo wop tunes from the 50s and 60s.
The face covering can’t mask the elated grin on Natalie Bracamonte’s face as she bounces down a slide to leave an inflatable bouncy house. The 7-year-old New Rochelle resident is visiting Port Chester Day with her mother, who works at the Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library.
Rye Brook 7-year-old Eli Taub expresses pure enthusiasm as an artist with Cheeky Designs turns his face into a tiger.
Families attending Port Chester Day enjoy a pleasant train ride around Lyon Park.