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Snowstorm #2 powders Port Chester, rocks Rye Brook
February 3, 2022 at 9:50 a.m.
A plow clears the marina parking lot off Abendroth Avenue during the late afternoon last Saturday, Jan. 29, after the second major snowstorm of the season had dropped about seven inches of precipitation in Port Chester.
Reflections from lights in the front yard of a house on Quintard Drive dance on the new-fallen snow Saturday evening.
Every hill, both steep and gradual, on both sides of Crawford Park was covered with tubes, sleds, saucers and kids of all ages on Sunday, Jan. 30, the bright, sunny day after the snowstorm.
Dad watches as 8-year-old Jacob and 5-year-old Owen Mandell of Reunion Road slide down a hill off BelleFair Road on Sunday, Jan. 30, the bright, sunny day after the second major snowstorm of the season dropped about seven inches of precipitation in Rye Brook.
Jacob Mandell runs back up the hill with his sled, ready for another ride.
Looking down upon a portion of the 110-home Kingfield development at 1100 King St. after Saturday’s snowstorm. It is largely complete but still under construction.
Katie Falk, above, and Lily Smith, both 13 and students at Blind Brook Middle School, were among the kids of all ages sliding down every hill, both steep and gradual, on both sides of Crawford Park on tubes, sleds and saucers Sunday afternoon.