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A last hurrah, B.B. style, for the Class of 2022
June 30, 2022 at 1:41 a.m.
Blind Brook High School junior Talia Levy approaches Class of 2022 graduate Shira Mallah with tears in her eyes just after the commencement ceremony on Thursday, June 23, and the new alumna responds with a smile and embraces her friend.
After Class of 2022 Co-Advisor Cher Treacy introduces Sydney Brookman to lead the crowd in saluting the American flag during the Blind Brook High School graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 23, she stops to give her a warm embrace. Treacy is the high school’s cheerleading coach, and Brookman was her captain.
With swagger, Euan Scott straightens out his sash as he proceeds onto the Blind Brook High School football field for the commencement ceremony.
With matching caps and gowns, Rebecca Starr (left) and Kelly Ma stand out amongst their bandmates when they temporarily leave their seats to pick up their flutes and play the national anthem.
Soon-to-be graduate Frank Casino Jr. listens pensively as speakers encourage the class with words of reflection and hope for the future.
Julia Zislis sits as one of many in the Class of 2022 who took the time to decorate her cap elaborately and tastefully for graduation.
Danielle Cappelli (left) and Vivian Carvalho make eye contact and smile over a funny moment during the commencement ceremony, soaking in their last few minutes as Blind Brook High School students.
Madison Muoio carries herself with a massive grin as she approaches Superintendent Dr. Colin Byrne for a handshake upon receiving her diploma.
With a newly minted degree in hand, Matias Otero gets down to business with a selfie before even getting back to his seat.
Once his name is called to receive his diploma, Connor Salvatore theatrically welcomes the cheers as he walks across the football field.
They did it! As tradition dictates, the Blind Brook High School Class of 2022 simultaneously toss their caps into the air to celebrate becoming official graduates of the school district.
Cigars all around! A group of graduates immediately celebrates their rite of passage into adulthood by partaking in a luxury treat for the mature on the football field.
Anthony Bueti elegantly struts to his seat on the football field.
The first diploma of the night was technically given out by Board of Education President Scott Jaffee (left) to outgoing Trustee Ryan Goldstein—an honorary degree tributing his nine years of service to the district.
Donning their traditional graduation robes, Blind Brook High School Principal Jennifer Chirles and Assistant Principal Mark Greenwald sit by Board of Education members and proudly look over their departing students.
Moments after his name is called, Class of 2022 graduate Allen Bao graciously accepts a diploma and a handshake from Blind Brook High School Principal Dr. Jennifer Chirles.
After his name is announced, Glenn Curreli gives a little wave to loved ones in the audience while he treks across the field to receive his diploma.
As a Blind Brook High School math teacher, Cindy Zahl was able to step in and give her daughter Olivia a big hug along with her diploma during the commencement ceremony.
As official graduates, Amanda Drazka and Jordan Cassuto share a sweet hug as they say goodbye to their high school days for good.