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PCHS Carnival cultivates community
October 20, 2022 at 7:12 a.m.
Edgar Garcia, a high school junior, finishes making his way through a bouncy obstacle course set up for the annual Port Chester High School Carnival hosted by the Ram Nation Club on Friday, Oct. 14. As he slips down the slide, he can’t resist giggling.
One second Port Chester High School English teacher Justin Thomas was sitting on the dunk tank, and the next, he was splashing through the shallow water after a student hit the target.
The daughter of Port Chester High School computer science teacher Virginia Jadav, Jasmine jumps on a bounce house, completing an obstacle course. The 8-year-old lives in White Plains with her family.
A popcorn machine bursts batches of salty kernels for carnival attendees. The event raised money for the student body in addition to select causes championed at a few of the booths.
Seniors Shaana Cheriyan (left), Jelsy Lopez, Sophia Ortiz-Heaney and Caroline Policarpo compete against each other as they toss ping-pong balls into fish-bowl vases for a game of cup pong.
A crowd of students mills about at the Port Chester High School Carnival, heading from attraction to attraction. Friends meet up and chat, catching up after a day of classes.
A board of balloons stands ready for students to throw darts at in attempts to pierce the rubbery orbs. One student throws a dart but misses by an inch.
Freshman Saul Oliveros juggles a softball like a hacky sack at the dunk tank attraction, showing off for his friends. Someone might want to tell him it’s not as soft as a soccer ball.
Members of the Port Chester High School Key Club sell baked goods in support of Pakistan, which experienced harsh monsoons this past summer.
A group of friends play fight each other with blow-up baseball bats they won at the Port Chester High School Carnival. Despite being soft, the bats pack a punch, and some wince as they feel the sting of each hit.