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Pumpkin Patch at Pine Ridge Park provides pre-Halloween playfulness
October 20, 2022 at 7:00 a.m.
Brielle Reganstreich, 4, channels her inner Cinderella at the Village of Rye Brook’s first Pumpkin Patch event at Pine Ridge Park on Saturday, Oct. 15. Sadly, however, the Carlton Lane resident’s gourd didn’t turn into a carriage to take her to the ball.
Luke Petriello found the perfect pumpkin, but the fruits are heavy. The King Street Elementary School third-grader hoists it to his chest and walks it back to his family while his father Tom trails behind.
Alessandra Herrera (left) and Beatrice Satkus examine pumpkins at the patch. The Ridge Street School second-graders want to pick the perfect ones to adorn and potentially enter into the Village’s decorating/carving contest.
Two-year-old Monroe Sprague loves walking around the pumpkin patch, but the North Ridge Street resident isn’t quite sure what the large gourds are for.
In a show of strength, Cooper Moore whips a bean bag and knocks over the tower of cans in front of him. The Ridge Street Elementary School second-grader’s father Mike records the feat behind him.
Valley Terrace resident Fany Nayi helps her 3-year-old son Niam toss rings for a game set up at the Pumpkin Patch.
Community members flock to one of the baseball fields at Pine Ridge Park to pick out a suitable gourd for the season.
Sitting on a hay bale to take a break, Ridge Street Elementary School kindergartener Jack Bell, 5, devours a doughnut as his mother Kathrine watches him.
Alessandra Herrera aims, fires, and pierces a balloon on a dart board. It took the Ridge Street Elementary School second-grader a few tries, but she didn’t give up.
An orange ping-pong ball hovers over a set of small fish-bowl vases after it’s tossed by a Pumpkin Patch patron.
Showing off her skills, Ridge Street Elementary School second-grader Taylor Cirillo tosses a ring onto bottles.
Janice Kunicki, Rye Brook’s senior recreation leader, collects payment for attendees’ pumpkins after they ventured into the field at Pine Ridge Park to select their ideal squash.