Cub Scouts solicit donations, stock shelves of food pantry
December 5, 2024 at 2:55 a.m.
Rye Brook Pack 3 Cub Scouts Carlson Leung, Tristan Park, Nolan Schleifer and Phinn Benoit stand in front of Rye Ridge Deli in the Rye Ridge Shopping Center where they collected donations during a Thanksgiving Food Drive that raised over $2,000. With this money they were able to purchase 934 pounds of food and 60 $20 gift cards to Stop & Shop. (Edris Park)
Rye Brook Pack 3 Cub Scouts stock the shelves of the food pantry at the Carver Center in Port Chester with food they purchased. The Scouts helped unload all 934 pounds of food the troop was able to purchase before sorting and stocking the Carver Center shelves. (Courtesy of Edris Park)
Rye Brook Pack 3 Cub Scouts pose for a group shot after finishing their work in the Carver Center food pantry. (Courtesy of Edris Park)