Deacon Mike Izzo of Quintard Drive gives the invocation at the annual Veterans Day ceremony in Port Chester’s Veterans’ Memorial Park on Sunday, Nov. 10 as Rye Brook Vietnam veteran Jerry Morano stands in the background. (Richard Abel/Westmore News)
Rye Town Administrator Debbie Reisner (left), former Port Chester Trustee Dan Colangelo, his wife Josephine and grandchildren Liam Detlefs, 9, and Ryan Detlefs, 6, of W. Harrison, former Port Chester Mayor Richard “Fritz” Falanka and Rye Town Justice Max DiFabio were among the 50 people attending Sunday’s ceremony. (Richard Abel/Westmore News)
Port Chester Vietnam veterans Dominick Mancuso (U.S. Army) and Fred Griffin (U.S. Coast Guard) place a memorial wreath at the flagpole monument recognizing local veterans who died during World War II and the Korean War, with a special memorial for the 8 Willow Street Boys who gave their lives in WWII. Looking on is Vietnam vet Pat Barrese of North Regent Street. (Richard Abel/Westmore News)
County Legislator Nancy Barr takes a photograph of the firing team, made up of veterans, from left, Ken Neilsen (Vietnam era Navy), Herb Bocchino (Navy), Tom Gallagher (Vietnam era Army) and William P. Sullivan, Jr. (Marine Corps Vietnam) firing shots to honor all veterans. Bugler Anthony Bubbico, Jr. followed with Taps in memory of veterans who have died. (Richard Abel/Westmore News)
Port Chester native Kim Maguire sings “America the Beautiful.” She is surrounded by local, county and state officials, from left, Nancy Barr, George Latimer, Steve Otis, Carla Pugliese (hidden), Tom Nardi, Gary Zuckerman, Hope Vespia, Phil Dorazio, Juliana Alzate and Deacon Mike Izzo. (Richard Abel/Westmore News)