Jananne Abel

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Government Meetings

BLIND BROOK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Blind Brook Middle/High School Library, 840 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call District Clerk Vivian Groccia at 914-937-3600 x1001, email her at [email protected] or visit blindbrook.org

Sunrise Senior Living looks to modify plan for 900 King St. community

Progress continues to be made for the development of 900 King St. into an age-restricted senior living community after a period of dormancy.

How do you close a local newspaper?

It’s the end of an era—and a particularly happy one.

Government Meetings

PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Town of Rye Justice Courtroom, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 7 p.m. Draft agenda: 1) Public hearing to consider adopting a local law amending the code re “Noise” re waivers for construction noise to provide the authority for the Board of Trustees to grant waivers in any zoning district. 2) Public hearing to consider adopting a local law amending the code re appearance tickets to provide authority to issue appearance tickets for offenses to the zoning inspector. 3) Continued public hearing in connection with United Hospital’s amended site plan application. 4) Public comments. 5) Report of the village manager. 6) Authorizing the village manager to execute a stipulation of retirement between the Village of Port Chester and Building Inspector Kevin Donohue effective Dec. 20, 2024. 7) MOU between the Village of Port Chester and the Port Chester Historical Society. 8) Setting a public hearing to consider a local law amending the chapter re zoning administration. 9) Add-on: Designate The Journal News as the official newspaper of the Village of Port Chester. 10) Add-on: Article 78 settlement agreement with 28 Pearl Street Development LLC and 28-34 Pearl Street OZ Fund IV QOZB Manager, LLC. 11) Add-ons: Election of 3 new members to active membership to fire companies.

Tamarack Tower Turkey Trot jogs on a few days earlier than usual

Although it couldn’t be held on Thanksgiving morning as it traditionally has been, the Tamarack Tower Foundation Turkey Trot, held on Sunday, Nov. 24 on the streets around Port Chester High School, attracted about 200 runners and walkers including adults, high school students and children.

Government Meetings

PORT CHESTER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call 914-937-6780 or visit portchesternyida.org

Will we recognize Port Chester in five years?

The Village of Port Chester is in a state of upheaval—with old buildings being demolished and new ones slowly taking their place. It’s called redevelopment and will without a doubt completely change the face of downtown. But will it be for the better in the long run? I hope so.

Government Meetings

PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Town of Rye Justice Court, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 7 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft Agenda: 1) Public hearing to consider a local law amending the zoning code to exempt existing buildings in the downtown district from the parking requirements. 2) Public hearing to consider a local law amending the zoning code to correct language related to the impervious surface coverage requirement. 3) Public hearing to consider a local law amending the zoning code to amend the civic designation for parking lots and structures in the principal use table. 4) Public hearing in connection with the United Hospital amended site plan application.

Village board considering changes to plan for United Hospital site

The owners of the former United Hospital site are moving forward with their application for an amended site plan for the property which would add 182 residential units and change the mix to focus on smaller apartments. The owners, Boston Post Road LLC, have been monitoring the changing needs for real estate and saw the demand for smaller units, said their attorney, Anthony Gioffre of Cuddy & Feder in White Plains, at the Nov. 4 Port Chester Board of Trustees meeting.

Government Meetings

PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA WORK SESSION. Village Hall Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6 p.m.: Executive session. 6:30 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft agenda: 1) Discussion: Panettone cookies for tree lighting event. 2) Discussion: Battery Energy Storage Systems Conceptual local law. 3) Discussion: Amending Chapter 224 Noise to provide the authority for the Board of Trustees to grant waivers in any zoning district. 4) Discussion: Planning report and recommendation re self-storage facilities. 5) Discussion: Extension of self-storage moratorium. 6) Discussion: Planning report and recommendation re accessory dwelling units. 7) Discussion: Authorizing the village manager to execute an agreement with G&S Port Chester LLC to terminate the Land Acquisition and Disposition Agreement. 8) Discussion: Current vacancies and forthcoming resignations from the Taxi Commission. 9) Report of the village manager. 10) Setting a public hearing to consider adopting a local law amending the code “Noise” section “Waiver for Construction Noise” to provide the authority for the Board of Trustees to grant waivers in any zoning district. 11) Setting a public hearing to consider adopting a local law amending the code “Appearance Tickets” section “Persons Authorized to Issue Tickets” to provide authority to issue appearance tickets for offenses to the zoning inspector. 12) Correspondence: From Janelle Carroll resigning from the Taxi Commission. 13) Correspondence: From the Taxi Commission requesting more members. 14) Work session on agendas for Dec. 2 and Dec. 16 meetings. Open to the public. For information, final agenda and backup, call 914-939-5202 or visit portchesterny.gov

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