Government Meetings

RYE BROOK BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Meeting Room, Village Hall, 938 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft agenda: 1) Considering a request for an extension/exemption from the seasonal gas-powered leaf blower ban for Hidden Falls.

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New planning director leaves after a week

The Village of Port Chester hired a new director of planning and economic development on Aug. 7 who didn’t start until one month later. Even then, she only lasted one week in the position.

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Village considers 90-day moratorium on battery energy storage systems

A test case of a new use that is not covered in Port Chester’s zoning code has given the Planning Commission pause and led the Board of Trustees to consider a 90-day moratorium to give the village a chance to review that use and make necessary changes to the code.

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Ricky Marini to lead Columbus Day Parade

While Port Chester volunteer firefighters have been planning their 200th anniversary parade, the Columbus Day Observance Committee has been putting together a procession that happens every year—the Columbus Day Parade.

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Plenty of pipes

The enormity of these pipes spotted at the corner of Leicester Street and Glen Avenue on Monday, Sept. 11 dictated a photo. They are part of the Glendale Place storm sewer project currently underway and will be laid along this section of Leicester Street up to and including Glendale Place, according to an employee overseeing the work.

Government Meetings

BLIND BROOK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Blind Brook Middle/High School Library, 840 King St., Rye Brook. 7:30 p.m. Regular monthly meeting. Open to the public. For information, agenda, call District Clerk Vivian Groccia at 914-937-3600 x1001, email her at [email protected] or visit

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Construction can’t start earlier at 30 Broad St. site, say trustees

After a slow start, construction has been moving along on the 9-story mixed-use building at 30 Broad St. It will house a brewpub on the first floor.

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14 appointed to continue study of Port Chester form-based code

Restraints on committee raise red flags

Since the form-based zoning code was approved by the Port Chester Board of Trustees in May 2020, both the Planning Commission and Village Board have found faults with it—as have many residents who have spoken out at meetings or written their thoughts on social media.

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R.B. village board grants 2 one-year exemptions from seasonal gas-powered leaf blower ban

The two properties that have asked for exemptions from the Village of Rye Brook’s seasonal gas-powered leaf blower ban passed in April have received them for a period of one year.

Government Meetings

PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA WORK SESSION. Conference Room, 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester. 6 p.m.: Executive session to discuss the employment history of a particular person in the Police Dept. 6:30 p.m.: Public meeting. Draft agenda: 1) Discussion: Putting in place protocols of decency in board communication. 2) Discussion: Placement requests for anything on village property. 3) Discussion: On setting a date for a continuation of a priorities meeting. 4) Discussion: Department heads attending BOT meetings on a regular basis. 5) Discussion: Moratorium on battery storage power stations. 6) Discussion: Air rights over a portion of the New Broad Street municipal parking lot to enable Neri’s Bakery to expand the 2nd floor over the lot for additional storage.

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Port Chester takes another step to recoup 451 N. Main demo funds

It’s been almost three years since the fire that destroyed a 3-story apartment building at 455 N. Main St. and the one-story commercial structure next door at 451 N. Main which was the previous site of La Dolce Vita.

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Committee will investigate housing and propose fixes over next 2 years

The availability of all types of housing, and not just the luxury rental type that most developers are proposing to build at many locations in the village, is of vital concern to members of the Port Chester Board of Trustees.

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Plan for senior housing at 900 King St. gets 2nd extension from village board

What’s happening with the 900 King St. property? Wasn’t a plan for redevelopment of that site approved a long time ago?

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Building demolition begins at former United Hospital site

The first signs of building demolition on the former United Hospital property at 406 Boston Post Rd. appeared last Friday, Aug. 11, leading people like Port Chester Trustee Bart Didden and others to post on Facebook that it was about time. Others proclaimed that it was sad to see the structures come down.

Government Meetings

PORT CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Town of Rye Justice Courtroom, 350 N. Main St., Port Chester. 7 p.m. Draft agenda: 1) Presentation on 2023-24 capital plan. 2) Update by Colliers Engineering on village-wide transportation plan. 3) Public hearing on request from Neri’s Bakery Products that the village consider conveying air rights over a portion of the New Broad Street municipal parking lot to enable the bakery to expand the second floor of its building over the lot for additional ingredient and material storage. 4) Public comments. 5) Report of the village manager. 6) Report of the village treasurer: interim fiscal year 2022-23 summary budget report. 6) Confirmation and approval of ____as director of planning and economic development. ...

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Village board designates a development coordinator

A local law established 33 years ago has been resurrected, dusted off, polished and adopted to meet the needs of the Village of Port Chester today. That local law puts in place the post of development coordinator, which had been established under the mayoralty of Peter Iasillo. The legislation allows the Board of Trustees to designate one of its members to work with the mayor to assist the board in the review and consideration of development projects.

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Blood drive at AJP on Aug. 12 in memory of Anthony G. Sotire

Maria Sotire is hosting a blood drive in her husband Anthony G. Sotire’s memory on Saturday, Aug. 12 at Anthony J. Posillipo Community Center in Rye Brook. He was the owner of Double R A Construction Corp. in Rye Brook which she continues to operate.

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R.B. board defers decision on exemption from seasonal gas-powered leaf blower ban

After passing a seasonal gas-powered leaf blower ban in April, the Rye Brook Board of Trustees has received its first application for an exemption from the local law.

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Village threatened with second lawsuit for downzoning from 12 to 3 stories

33 New Broad St. owner seeks $45 million in damages

As foreshadowed by Trustee Joe Carvin a few weeks ago in discussing the Notice of Claim filed against the Village of Port Chester and the Port Chester Board of Trustees by the owners of 28 and 34 Pearl St., another such Notice has been received by the Village, this one on June 29.
