Welcome to Port Chester
August 1, 2024 at 12:50 a.m.
Arianna Christopher has a thing about chain link fences around the Village of Port Chester—she really doesn’t like them.
“From my perspective, there’s a lot of them that I find unattractive,” she said. “I really want to do something about them.”
As chairperson of the Village’s Beautification Commission, she saw addressing ugly fences as a foremost priority while brainstorming viable ways to make the community a more alluring place. And, given the lack of funding the commission has to take on such a mission, it seemed like taking on one fence was a doable effort that could make a difference.
A new “Welcome to Port Chester” art installation is now greeting passersby as they come into the Village on the Boston Post Road. Designing with plastic covers used to decorate chain link fences, it adorns the barrier around the Open Door Family Medical Center parking lot at the Grace Church Street corner.
The project was crafted due to the efforts of the Beautification Commission and marks their first successful piece brought to life through their Community Art Initiative.
The Beautification Commission has been trying to get the Community Art Initiative going for a few years. “It crossed over COVID,” Christopher said. “Port Chester doesn’t have much money, and resources are uncertain, so we’re just people and we’re all volunteers and organizations doing the things we can.”
The public art program is meant to amplify the community by fostering local art while adding pleasing aesthetics to the Village. Notably, it’s aimed to bring creative pieces to the area without costing the Village money—whether that means the projects are funded through grants or donations.
“In general, Port Chester feels very disparate,” Christopher said. “Public art creates a more public feeling—togetherness.”
The initiative sees the Beautification Commission essentially serving as the conduit between local organizations and the Village of Port Chester to get projects off the ground. Therefore, it’s a fluid venture—projects and their scope are dependent on the availability of resources and volunteers, and the commitment of Port Chester’s organizations.
They were able to get the “Welcome to Port Chester” sign up because community partners came their way.
Christopher said they put the idea of fence decorations out there, and the Redemption Community Church volunteered to facilitate and fund the project as part of its annual Serve Day on July 13.
Redemption Community Church has had a presence in Port Chester for the last nine years, said Pastor Dave Hemmerle during a recognition event thanking volunteers for the new art installation on Wednesday, July 31. While they’ve moved around in that time, the congregation now has a long-term spot operating out of 181 Westchester Ave.
“We really want to see this community thrive and flourish. We want to be a force of good in this community and really help people have a better quality of life, all people,” he said.
The Beautification Commission’s project was one of 10 around the county that 150 volunteers with the church worked on during their annual Serve Day.
“This is really exciting for us to be a part of making Port Chester a better place for all of us,” Hemmerle said.
The other piece of the puzzle, Christopher said, was finding a location. While there are numerous chain link fences around the Village to choose from, not all organizations are willing to let volunteers embark on beautification projects.
Open Door Family Medical Center, however, was not one of those entities.
“We previously contacted Open Door and they were happy to provide the space,” Christpoher said. “Let’s just say not every company or organization would do the same, so we were delighted.”
During the recognition event, Open Door Director of Marketing and Community Relations Marilyn Pacheco said the facility was happy to offer its premises to art because they feel it aligns with their own community-oriented mission.
“Open Door Medical Center is proud to be part of this community initiative supporting the Port Chester Beautification Committee. This beautiful and warm project has enhanced the Village’s aesthetics and aligns with our vision of improving the health and quality of life of residents in our community,” said Pacheco. “We hope this sign will help our community feel welcomed and part of something greater, just as we strive to make every patient feel valued in our care.”
Christopher said the Beautification Commission has more projects on the horizon that they’d like to bring to fruition with community partners. She’s particularly keen on getting a pop-up stage built that can host local musicians.
And, of course, there’s plenty of chain link fences around town that can still use some love.
“Doing all the fences in Port Chester, that’s our goal,” Christopher laughed. “The idea of beautifying fences is amazing. I’d like everyone to go out and start beautifying our fences.”
Anyone interested in collaborating with the Beautification Commission or joining as a volunteer is encouraged to reach out to get involved at [email protected]
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