Traffic stop leads to drug charge
August 21, 2024 at 11:24 p.m.
While patrolling Westchester Avenue, a Port Chester police officer spotted the driver of a black Lincoln allegedly perform an improper lane change on Wednesday, Aug. 14.
Police claim Allison McConway stopped in a turn lane at the intersection of Westchester Avenue and North Main Street before continuing straight and merging without the use of a turn signal. When the officer performed a traffic stop on Waterfront Place at 5:14 p.m., they allegedly saw a glass pipe in the 53-year-old’s lap.
According to the police report, officers discovered three envelopes containing a white powder believed to be heroin and a bag of syringes in the car. McConway allegedly told officers she had purchased the contraband in the Bronx.
The 234 Mortimer St. resident was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor, and received infractions for failure to use a designated lane and failure to use a turn signal.
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