Two out-of-towners charged

October 23, 2024 at 11:47 p.m.

By DAVID TAPIA | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Last week, two out-of-towners were arrested for drunk driving.

*While patrolling Abendroth Avenue, a Port Chester police officer allegedly spotted the driver of a white Honda Accord driving in the grassy promenade along the edge of the Marina Parking Lot on Saturday, Oct. 19.

According to the police report, Rudy Urizar Castillo drove to the exit area and turned right onto Abendroth Avenue without signaling properly before pulling over to check on his front passenger side tire, which received a puncture from hitting the curb in the parking lot.

As the officer approached, Urizar Castillo allegedly re-entered his car and started driving away without putting on his seatbelt.

Police claim the 33-year-old did not produce a valid driver’s license and was too intoxicated to perform standardized field sobriety tests at the scene, so he was transported to the police station at 350 N. Main St.

The Stamford, Conn. resident was arrested at 6 a.m. after police say he failed the sobriety tests at the police station. Later, his blood alcohol content was discovered to be .21%, over double the legal limit of .08%.

Urizar Castillo was charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated, a misdemeanor, and received infractions for failing to signal while turning, driving without a seatbelt and driving without a license.

*A West Harrison woman was arrested by Port Chester police officers on Sunday, Oct. 20 after she was allegedly seen performing several traffic violations.

According to the police report, a patrolling officer witnessed Luz Vallejos perform an illegal left turn from North Main Street onto Adee Street.

Vallejos then allegedly engaged her Toyota RAV4’s horn for an unreasonable amount of time and drove over the double yellow lines to get around a stopped vehicle before she turned right onto King Street without properly signaling.

The officer followed the 42-year-old into the nearby municipal parking lot and performed a traffic stop at 12:50 a.m.

A routine background check allegedly revealed Vallejos’ license had been revoked in September because she had been convicted of driving while intoxicated. An interlock device restriction had been placed on her car, but officers allege the car she was driving did not have one equipped.

Police claim Vallejos told them she had consumed three beers earlier that night and observed her eyes to be glassy and bloodshot. She consented to standardized field sobriety tests, but they were stopped when she said she couldn’t finish them. A preliminary breath test detected alcohol in her system and she was arrested.

While in custody, she allegedly refused to submit to a chemical test.

She was charged with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and driving while intoxicated with a previous conviction, both felonies. She was also charged with using a vehicle without an interlock device while restricted, a misdemeanor, and received infractions for the witnessed traffic violations.


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