Letter: The right choice—Vote Payan for Rye Town Council

With the Rye Town election coming up, I wanted to highlight a candidate that I think will set himself apart from the rest and who I think should be part of Rye Town moving forward.

Letter: A ‘new broom’ needed for the Town of Rye

As the old saying goes, “a new broom sweeps clean.” That is exactly what the Town of Rye needs!

Letter: My personal opinion

The Westmore News has in its weekly issue an opinion page. What constitutes an opinion? An opinion is defined as “a view or a judgement formed about something.”

Letter: Mom supports son for Rye Town Council

I have been a resident of Port Chester for over 40 years and now, most recently, a resident of Rye Brook.

Letter: 2024 presidential election summary

With the next Presidential election now less than 14 months away, four drearily familiar things seem certain.

Letter: Alex Payan for Rye Town Council: Dedicated to empowering the community

I stand in support of Alex Payan and his candidacy for Rye Town Council.

Letter: Payan is more than qualified for Rye Town Council

I want to go on record as endorsing Alex Payan for the office of Rye Town Council.

Letter: Alex Payan: A breath of fresh air for Rye Town Council

I am writing this letter to support Alex Payan, who is running for Rye Town Council on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Letter: Alex Payan for Rye Town Councilman

I warmly endorse my husband, Alex Payan, for the Rye Town Council. I know that with his extensive knowledge and experience, he is an excellent candidate for the job.

Letter: Bald eagle appears in Port Chester

I am sending along photos I captured of a bald eagle (yes, a bald eagle) on Lafayette Drive in Port Chester at the end of August. The eagle was in my backyard tree, and I must say it was a stunning and surreal sight given its proximity.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Unions, strikes, imperiled industries; a bitter mix upending U.S. society

Labor strikes at a time of political, social, technological, and economic upheaval domestically and internationally can be problematic.

Letter: Payan shares my values for Rye Town Council

It’s not often that I’ve come across a candidate who shares my values and is in possession of a formula for success more than Alex Payan.

Letter: Noelia Candelaria, Pat Lagana and Alex Payan: Names to remember for Nov. 7 Rye Town election

It is my honor to write to you today to convey my respect for and endorsement of Noelia Candelaria for Rye Town Supervisor and Pat Lagana for Rye Town Council.

Letter: Candelaria, Lagana and Payan: The best team to lead Rye Town

On Nov. 7 we have an election locally for the Town of Rye this year. We as a community need to rally and come out to vote as it is just as important to vote in local elections as it is to vote for President of the United States.

Letter: More transparency needed on zoning code changes

It is becoming more and more clear what this Port Chester Board of Trustees (BOT) is doing in regard to the process with the comprehensive zoning code changes.