Letter: Alex Payan: A strong leader for our community

I am very supportive of Alex Payan’s bid to be our new Rye Town Councilman. Alex Payan has the knowledge, experience and drive to get the job done. Please join me with your vote to make Rye Town efficient and effective.

Letter: Why my father deserves your vote November 7

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for my father, Alex Payan, who is running for Rye Town Council in the upcoming Nov. 7 election.

Letter: BHFP stands with Alex Payan: A letter of endorsement

As the Director of BHFP (Blue Heart Forever Project), a support group for Latino families of children with Autism and children in Special Education, I am delighted to express our full support for Alex Payan’s campaign for Councilman of Rye Town.

Letter: It’s time for a change—vote for Payan

I want to take this written opportunity to give Alex Payan my endorsement for the Rye Town Council position. I ask voters from Rye Brook, Port Chester and Rye Neck to fully support Alex Payan, a strong and well-rounded individual.

Letter: Alex Payan exemplifies leadership, initiative and action

I met Alex at the Port Chester Mobile Food Pantry, which was a food distribution at Terrace Avenue, Drew Street, and 130 Midland Ave.

Letter: So long, Janice Kunicki

Reading the article in the paper of Janice Kunicki’s retirement put a lump in my throat. I don’t think anyone would disagree that there are not enough words to describe this wonderful person. She is “the salt of the earth”—caring, kind, pleasant, and devoted to our kids and the community.

Letter: PCHS Marching Band season of competition in full swing

Marching band competition season is in full swing. The Port Chester High School Marching Band members' dedication and hard work are evident with their increasing scores at each competition.

Letter: Noelia Candelaria for Town Supervisor

It is my pleasure to support Noelia Candelaria for Town Supervisor for Rye Town.

Editorial: Rye Town lawmakers have a silent salary spiking habit

Many Port Chester and Rye Brook residents don’t even know that they’re also citizens of the Town of Rye. We don’t blame them. It’s a pretty uneventful layer of government.

Letter: Alex Payan: Perseverance, determination and hard work

I would like to encourage residents from Rye Brook, Port Chester and Rye Neck to vote for Alex Payan for Rye Town Council on Election Day, Tues., Nov. 7.

Letter: Marini was great choice for parade grand marshal

Great job by the Columbus Day Parade committee in selecting Italian American resident Ricky Marini as its grand marshal.

Letter: Noelia Candelaria calls for Supervisor of Rye Town to display visionary leadership

I am excited to announce that I am running for Rye Town Supervisor. I would like to begin this journey by reaching out to my friends and esteemed community leaders and request your endorsements and volunteer efforts.

Letter: Son supports father for Rye Town Council

I am writing this letter to express my strong and unwavering support for my father, Alex Payan, who is running for Rye Town Council.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Saturday night chaos on TV strikes fear into my heart

I’m not sure I can take another Saturday night like I had this past Saturday. Maybe you feel that way, too.

Letter: Payan is dedicated and innovative

I am pleased to recommend Alex Payan for Rye Town Council. His civic experience, educational career, and the myriad leadership positions he possesses have equipped him with the dedication and innovation the Rye Town community needs.