Cowardice or ignorance?

When I wrote my last letter to the editor, saying that we had become a civilization of cowards, I did not expect that an example would come so fast.

On Biden, Trump and the U.S. women’s World Cup soccer team

I am writing this letter while we still have free speech in America. It seems the dumbocrats are trying to eliminate any speech they don't agree with. We live in dangerous times, and we have leaders who are clueless as to the dangers ahead.

What is our ceremony of belonging?

What is our ceremony of belonging? As Americans. I am not referring to a ceremony of belonging to a particular religion; nor am I referring to an initiation ritual into a fraternity or sorority or some other social organization; nor as part of an Indian nation. Rather, I am referring …

Examining racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare

As physicians diagnose and treat patients for injuries and illnesses, researchers and activists attempt to make hospitals and clinics a more equitable place for all.

Letter: Views on the environment and climate change

In last week’s Westmore News there was an article saying Rye Town is going green. It seems that they have purchased an electric lawnmower; wow, that’s going to save the planet.

Jewish extremists endangering both Israel and metro New York

Let’s delve this week into some news developments that may make you uncomfortable—a sure sign that what’s reported and described is as personally painful as it is dangerous to our society.

Letter: Kudos to Port Chester DPW

I’d like to send a big thank you to the DPW tree removal team that safely and efficiently took down a large, leaning tree near my Shelley Avenue home on Tuesday, July 18.

Letters: Announcing P.C. Green Award winners

The Port Chester Sustainability Committee and Port Chester Beautification Commission are delighted to announce that The Green Awards have been distributed.

Letter: Mighty civilization of cowards

We became the civilization of cowards.

Letter: Fossil fuel use must still be considered

This letter to the editor is adapted from a recent letter sent to certain elected officials.

Letter: Port Chester volunteers say ‘Thanks!’

The Volunteers of the Port Chester Fire Department would like to say “Thank You” to those who have supported our fundraising efforts over the last months.

The Ukraine War exposes U.S. and NATO shortcomings; China sees our naval weakness

Our current and future security as a nation is being decided on battlefields and seas far from home.

Anne Capeci: Always patient and helpful

I saw in your paper that Anne Capeci died.

In memory of Anne Capeci

The Town of Rye joins with the Port Chester community in mourning the passing of Anne Capeci

On the school budget, tax cap and parents’ responsibility

When is too much not enough? This was the question the old Taxpayers Alliance used to ask during school budget formulation.