Letter: Be on the lookout for the Green Awards—coming soon!

If you have beautified your home or workplace, or practice sustainability actively, you might find a Green Award on your doorstep soon.

Letter: Joint Water Works should build plant on land it owns

As you know, the Westchester Joint Water Works is requesting that the County swap land so that WJWW can build a water treatment plant within the Rye Lake watershed on Purchase Street instead of on the property they already own, where they already began construction (less than a mile away).

Westmore News earns 11 awards over 2 years for reporting and photographic excellence

We judge ourselves every week and admit that for various reasons the content is better some weeks than others. But, overall, we pride ourselves on our work and the way we cover the communities of Port Chester and Rye Brook. And hopefully they are better because of our coverage.

Letter: Fighting loneliness: We need more events like ‘Chess in the Park’

On Sunday, May 21, I attended “Chess in the Park,” run by Port Chester Police Officer Kenny Manning and his colleagues at the Port Chester Police Department.

Letter: Comments on P.C. school election, other school matters and more

I wish to opine on a few different matters. First, I rarely read Dick Hubert’s column; he rambles on many subjects without any real conclusions.

Letter: Newspaper let readers down with school board endorsements

When reading newspapers’ endorsements, most readers usually have already made up their minds and thus it’s mostly a case of “Yes!” when the endorsements align with their own choices, and “well, who follows newspapers anyway?” when their choices don’t match.

Letter: George Ford thanks voters for continued support

Last May, I wrote a letter in this column thanking all who supported me in getting elected to the Port Chester Board of Education.

Letter: Dominguez says thanks

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who voted in the May 16 Port Chester Board of Education and school budget election, and especially all of the amazing people who have supported me throughout my campaign.

Letter: Thoughts on P.C. School Board election

Congratulations to the winners of last week’s Port Chester School Board election. I knew going in this was going to be a very steep, uphill battle.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A little shop of horrors playing on our local and national stage

For the last several weeks this space has been filled with pro and con Port Chester School Board candidate letters, endorsements and, in a “what, really?” moment for me, Blind Brook students demanding this newspaper cover the importance of trees.

Editorial: Vote for Dominguez, re-elect Ford for a balanced P.C. Board of Education

The Port Chester School District is amid an era of refinement.

Letter: Victory Day is no cause for celebration

May 8, 1945—the day Nazi Germany capitulated to the Allies.

Letter: Support and help with Town of Rye Pride events

Last year, a friend of mine approached me to ask if I knew of any local family-friendly Pride Month parades. She was asking on behalf of a fellow Scout mom who had missed out on the Westchester Pride celebration in White Plains and thought the parade in Manhattan might be …

Letter: Port Chester should be celebrated every day

On Sunday, May 14, the Village of Port Chester will mark the 155th anniversary of its incorporation. I am writing to say, “Happy Birthday, Port Chester!”

Letter: Re-elect George Ford

George and I worked on a few local campaigns over the past several years. When he decided to run for a position in last year’s Port Chester Board of Education election, I got to know him in more detail.