Letter: Recent P.C. fire showed infrastructure problems

The recent fire downtown revealed another shortcoming in the various overtaxed infrastructure systems in Port Chester. The Fire Department has publicly expressed that the lack of water pressure in their fight against the fire necessitated pumping water from the Byram River.

Letter: We are turning into an anti-utopia

Ukraine is preparing for a counter-offensive. Russian fascists are bombing civilian houses, museums, churches; ultra-rights are demanding to stop the support of Ukraine.

Letter: Re-elect George Ford: A serious candidate for the Port Chester Board of Education

What is the definition of serious? Thoughtful in appearance or manner; requiring much thought or work; serious study of or relating to a matter of importance. A Board of Education seat is a serious seat.

Letter: Coach Corbia: A vision with a mission

As many of you heard and read, I am running for one of the two vacant Board of Education seats this May 16. I can think of no better way to serve and give back to the community at large and specifically the students than to volunteer my time and …

Letter: Support for Tom Corbia for P.C. school board

On May 16, 2023, we will once again vote for candidates to serve on the Port Chester Board of Education. I am not writing to bash any of the candidates but to affirm my support for Tom Corbia.

Letter: Rob Dominguez is the right candidate for Port Chester Board of Education

Rob Dominguez is the right candidate, at the right time, for Port Chester School Board. Please vote for him on Tuesday, May 16.

Letter: Dominguez is the best person for the Port Chester school board

I am writing this letter to show my support and encourage everyone to vote for my friend Rob Dominguez in his run for Trustee of the Port Chester Board of Education.

Letter: Paper should cover importance of trees

I would really appreciate it if you could publish more articles regarding the sustainable preservation of trees and the unique value Tree Cities pose to communities, particularly Rye Brook, which is already a member of the USA Tree City program. 

Letter: In support of Rob Dominguez

I write today in support of Rob Dominguez for Port Chester School Board. I have seen Rob in passing over the last six years, since my family and I began our involvement with our schools.

Letter: Good news for Port Chester

I was excited and pleasantly surprised when I heard that Coach Tom Corbia will be running for one of the two open school board seats in May.

Letter: Rob Dominguez announces candidacy for P.C. school board

Some can say that these are turbulent times we are living in—politically, economically and socially. One need only watch five minutes of the national news to see this. Unfortunately, the overall division and upheaval can also be felt by many of us on a local level as well. 

Letter: Vote for Rob Dominguez

We urge all voters who share the following concerns—among so many others—to vote for Port Chester Board of Education candidate Rob Dominguez. 

Letter: George Ford announces re-election bid for Port Chester Board of Education

Last year I was elected to fill the vacant seat left from the removal of a board member. This was, in essence, a trial run with a term of just 14 months.

Letter: William Villanova for P.C. Board of Education

It is with great enthusiasm that I announce my candidacy for Port Chester Board of Education.

Letter: A good deed indeed

On Sunday morning, Apr. 16, around 9:30 a.m., I went to the ACME Supermarket at the Washington Park Plaza to purchase some items.