Letter: Paper should educate residents about trees

When reading the Westmore News, I see various articles about all aspects of our village, but minimal information about the Rye Brook/Port Chester environment.

Letter: Rules on removal and replacement of trees

With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, we need to begin focusing on the laws regarding trees in Rye Brook, more specifically Chapter 235 in the General Legislation of Rye Brook, which pertains to the removal of trees.

Letter: Public should be made aware of taking care of native species

I am writing to you to spread awareness about the invasive species that can be found in the Tree City of Rye Brook. Did you know that we have 12 different invasive tree species just on our high school campus?

Letter: Beware of poison ivy

Since Rye Brook is a Tree City, it is filled with countless different species of plants, yet many in our community are unaware of those that are harmful.

Editorial: The P.C. school board and its secrets behind ‘transparency’

School boards have a notorious reputation of narcissism. Once in office, elected officials are known to ditch the platforms of openness that they literally always run on to ride a power high with a sense of over importance. Often, it’s a shift in perspective that leads to problematic secrecy.

Letter: Bought a leaf blower, now what?

Crazy: The Village of Rye Brook passed a restriction on gas-powered leaf blowers.

Letter: I remember Coach Pete Pergamo

I remember when Coach Pete Pergamo asked me to apply for the open JV Baseball coach position.

Letter: Thanks to Goldie for organizing Midland Avenue strip club protest

The obituary in your paper for our friend, Goldie Solomon, was truly a history of someone dedicated to her community and willing to serve countless hours as a volunteer; however, there was something else Goldie did that I consider more important than her other accomplishments.

Letter: Planning Commission should take harder look at parking

The Village of Port Chester recently passed Local Law No. 1-17 amending the Form Based Code provisions on parking by "...revising the way in which parking space requirements are calculated in order to achieve among other goals a 1:1 ratio of parking spaces to residential units..." 

Letter: What has Biden done for America?

History has a knack of repeating itself. 2000 years ago, a man was crucified for his speaking out and his beliefs. We all know his name, Jesus Christ. He was persecuted by Pontius Pilate. then governor of Judea, who served under the emperor Tiberius.

Letter: Why Ukraine matters for the USA

The beginning of April marks the anniversary of the Kyiv region’s liberation from Russian barbarians. That is when the world found out about the Bucha massacre, with 37 children brutally murdered along with several hundred civilians.

Letter: Thank you, Joel Hecker!

Joel Hecker has lived in Rye Brook for almost 50 years and during that time has been the consummate volunteer.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Fears of a superpower war and other 2023 nightmares

Take a close look at last week’s cover illustration for The Economist.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: SUNY Purchase’s grand experiment in senior/student interaction, Part II

I’ve had only one involvement with Broadview—and it goes to the heart of what the SUNY, County, and State officials think is going to be so wonderful about it and who will benefit.

Letter: Mayor thanks voters for re-electing him

I and my family would like to thank the Village of Port Chester voters for re-electing me as your mayor for another two-year term. I pledge to work hard for all the people of the Village.