Cable companies should set a good example!

Mess breeds mess and neatness breeds more of the same. The cable companies should set a good example!

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Chinese is coming to Blind Brook High School; language experts say: start it in kindergarten

Blind Brook School Board member Rick Buzin teased me with a mystery e-mail a week ago Sunday.

Letter: Remember Dnipro, city in Ukraine hit by Russo-fascists

How was your evening on Jan. 14? Probably it was ranging from taking a rest to running Saturday errands, mostly unremarkable, right? For people of Dnipro, a city in Ukraine, the evening of Jan. 14, a holiday in Christian Orthodox tradition, turned into a bloody nightmare.

Letter: Imagine! Biden wants us to get rid of our gas stoves!

First I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year, hopefully we can all be healthy and prosperous. 

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Are Americans on edge? Are fears exploited while tempers short circuit?

I have a theory that everyone is on edge these days. Tempers are short. Accusations explode. And efforts to ease the angst don’t get very far. 

Residents should attend Jan. 17 Village Board meeting

The Port Chester Main Street Association is asking all concerned Port Chester residents and small business owners to attend the next Village Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Town of Rye Courthouse, 350 N. Main Street. 

Letter: Reflections on P.C. issues in 2022

Since we are now a week into the new year, I’d like to reflect on issues that occurred in 2022.

Letter: Dick Hubert is just plain wrong

What is Dick Hubert actually proposing in his column of Jan. 6?

Letter: Year 2022: Ukraine’s fight for freedom

We used to dwell in a defined world. We knew for sure that the most turbulence could happen only when the candidate you voted for didn’t win.

Letter: What today’s GOP really stands for

Recent efforts on these pages to educate readers as to “what the GOP stands for” have been vigorous but, alas, still far too modest. Indeed, today’s Republican party contains multitudes.

Letter: Republican party must return to its principles, not extremism

Thanks to Rye Town Republican Committee Chairman Dan Paniccia for further illustrating my point by engaging in the same willful obliviousness and wishful thinking as did his colleague Aldo Vitagliano in describing the contemporary Republican party.

Letter: On Democrats, turncoat Republicans and ugly oversized apartment buildings

In a famous exchange from Ernest Hemingway’s book The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway wrote: “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said, “gradually and then suddenly.” Does that sound like what’s going on here in America?

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A local political star, a N.Y. GOP horror story, and HPN’s unwanted national ranking

I care passionately about who represents us at every level of government. I hope you do, too.

Letter: Thanks to the Port Chester Department of Public Works

I want to show my appreciation for the Port Chester Department of Public Works for always helping. David and Kenny are always happy to do their work and are always smiling.

Letter: Trustees should listen to the community

Thank you to the Westmore News for reporting on community outrage concerning the proposals and plans to allow 8-12 and even 15-story mammoth buildings in downtown Port Chester and adjacent residential streets.