Letter: Take an inclusive view of the village

The Dec. 19 Port Chester Board of Trustees meeting was well attended by the public. People voiced their opinions about the CD-4 Committee doing very good work in looking at that one zone.

Letter: What the GOP stands for

I disagree with Andy Sloan’s letter saying the GOP no longer exists. I hate to disappoint anyone, but the Republican Party and local committees do exist and in fact are involved in all facets of elections and shaping of policy. 

Letter: Acme parking lot needs better lighting

I'm writing to bring an issue to the attention of the managers at the Acme Supermarket in Rye Brook. With winter here, it gets pitch black before 5 p.m. Unfortunately, the Acme parking lot has only three dim lamps. Coming in and going out I feel unsafe. I know other …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Pulling together some loose ends starting with vote counts from the BOE

This is my last column for 2022, and fittingly, it’s time to clean up a few loose ends—starting with our local election results from the November mid-terms.

Letter: Vitagliano’s GOP no longer exists

I am sure Port Chester Republican Committee Chair Aldo Vitagliano would love it if the Republican party he describes in his recruitment letter-to-the-editor existed. Unfortunately, it does not.

Letter: Pearl Harbor, Ukraine and more

This past week Dec. 7, 2022 marked the 81st anniversary of the Japanese attack on our naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. To my great dismay, I failed to hear or read any mention of this major historical event on any news program or in any newspapers.

Letter: Russia continues its assault on Ukraine

Even in the dark, Ukraine is fighting.

Letter: Form Based Code should be paused and reevaluated

The Port Chester Main Street Association has been warning about the negative impacts of the outsized development that the Form Based Code allows since its inception. We are now seeing the sheer scale of what these zoning changes will create in our village. 

Another mascot lost

Does anyone believe in jinxes? Because I think we cast one on ourselves.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Some 2023 predictions on war in Ukraine, COVID in China, and our politics in the U.S.

It’s not too early to offer some predictions about what to expect in 2023.

Westmore News says goodbye to our good friend Charlie

There’s a curse to pet ownership, and it’s a pain familiar to many. While our dogs gift us with an indescribable and immeasurable love and joy, it’s only sharable during the expanse of their short time as our companions.

Letter: Get involved with the GOP at the grassroots level

To those interested in effecting change at the national level, one often must start locally. Look around. Not happy with the pace of progress or upset at the changes underway around us? Get involved.

Letter: Donate to the library this season

This holiday season, instead of wasting money on useless “gifts,” or buying out of compulsion, as is often the case, I would ask all residents to donate to what is probably our greatest institution right after the Port Chester Police Department: the Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library!

Letter: All are invited to WinterFest at the Bush Lyon Homestead

The Port Chester Historical Society cordially invites the public to attend their annual WinterFest. This event will be held Saturday, Dec. 17 from 2-4 p.m. at the Bush Lyon Homestead, 479 King St., Port Chester.