Letter: Latimer contradicts letter writer—cites Dems and his administration’s accomplishments

I read with great interest the Letter to the Editor, Friday, Oct. 28, in which Ron Weckessar urged voters to reject all Democrats stating, “every perverse trend in our society is tied to the Democrats,” citing a wide variety of social ills which he attributes to those of us in …

Letter: The facts on abortion and bail reform

Access to abortion and bail reform have emerged as two hot-button issues as we approach the midterm elections. 

Letter: There is no negotiating with Russian terrorists

Another week in Ukraine starts with Russian fascists’ terroristic attacks on the civilian infrastructure. On the eve of winter, Russian Nazis are trying to deprive Ukrainians of energy, heat and water.

Letter: NYS elections are secure and reliable

Nov. 8, 2022 is a very important Election Day. As president of the League of Women Voters of Westchester County, I would like to reassure voters that New York State elections are secure and reliable.

Letter: Thank you, Port Chester, for making Honor Flight prep events possible

Hudson Valley Honor Flight is a wonderful organization that takes World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam veterans to Washington, D.C. for a free one-day trip to see their memorials.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Election and Veterans Days prompt sobering thoughts

As I write this, I’m still sporting my “I voted in Westchester County” sticker awarded to me at the Rye Brook firehouse last Saturday, Oct. 29, the first day of early voting in New York State. I was the 66th ballot cast.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Are you in a quandary about whom to vote for in this election? Some larger issues to consider

I’ve been getting reports that some of our readers are so torn about their choice of candidates nominated by the Democrats and Republicans for our next Congressperson from the 16th District that they may skip that part of the ballot altogether or write in a candidate of their choice.

Letter: Vote!

Going to vote this election, one need only remember the 1980 Presidential Debate closing question asked by Ronald Reagan. Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Get out and vote!

Letter: Leave the leaves!

The next time you look at leaves on your lawn, picture them as dollar bills. Right now, the average homeowner spends time and money removing leaves and then spends money to add fertilizer to the lawn. 

Letter: Vote Dems out of office

Every week I look forward to Thomas Ceruzzi’s letters in the opinion section of this paper. He, as does the New York Post, “tells it like it is.”

Letter: Vote for Flisser, not Bowman

Jamaal Bowman is a committed Marxist. In the Westmore News Oct. 14 edition Dick Hubert attempts to give your readers a fair introductory picture of Jamaal Bowman, candidate for Congress from our district.

Letter: All are invited to workshop on ‘Speaking Against Hate’

On Thursday, Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m. at John F. Kennedy School, residents of the Villages of Port Chester and Rye Brook are invited to a free community workshop. The workshop will be led by Alexander Rosemberg of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and focus on how to respond to hate. 

Letter: The PCHS Marching Band: Something to be proud of

As another marching band season is upon us, the Pride of Port Chester, the Port Chester High School Marching Band, has received numerous awards and top placements just weeks into the school year.

Letter: Columbus Day Committee did a great job

I wanted to thank and congratulate the Columbus Day Celebration Committee for all its hard work this year in planning and organizing the Columbus Day Parade and festivities here in the Village of Port Chester.

Letter: Thanks for Columbus Day celebration support

We were overjoyed to see so many residents coming together after the two-year COVID-19 hiatus.