Letter: USA cannot let the bully win

In nine months of the unjust war against Ukraine, 97% of targets destroyed by Russia were civilian objects—utility infrastructure, hospitals, schools, residential buildings, cultural centers, theaters and even places of worship. 

I on the World: Magical mystery tour to see Santa Claus at the North Pole included memorable meeting with Calif. 'Cancer Kids'

Every December for more years than I care to remember, my memories of Christmases past surface from my subconscious, ghosts and all, and when that happens, I mostly remember Nadia, the girl already ancient me met on my long-ago Dec. 5 birthday visit to see Santa Claus at the North …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Thanksgiving at home and in Ukraine; the brutally stark choices ahead for all

This Thanksgiving, we can all give thanks that we do not live in Ukraine.

Letter: Don’t build filtration plant on Westchester airport land

Instead of talking about building a water filtration plant, why doesn't the Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW) just get it done?

Letter: Please give to the P.C.-R.B. Public Library

As Giving Tuesday gets closer, I'm sure you are being besieged with requests for donations. but please consider a gift to the Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library.

Letter: Please think of the Friends of the Library on Giving Tuesday

We're grateful that so many of you are supporting our community's public library. Just this past week, Port Chester's EBC Book Club decided to donate $150 to the Friends in observance of upcoming Giving Tuesday. Thank you, EBC!

Letter: Say no to a second high-rise on Port Chester’s Main Street

I read with great fascination the article about Bulkley’s Brook from Nov. 11 with the mention of flooding of downtown in July of 1889 and the photograph of a flooded downtown from 1911.

Letter: Views on the mid-terms

When I write an opinion letter, I am usually trying to get people to understand what’s going on in our country.

Letter: The Pride of Port Chester shines on 90th anniversary of first performance

In front a crowd of proud parents and supporters, the Port Chester High School Marching Band took second place in Group V of the US Bands A-Class National Championships in Allentown, Pa. Saturday, Nov. 5 with a season high score of 91.60.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: On vote counting in New York State, and Democratic political malpractice

At this writing, I’m still waiting for the final election returns. No, I’m not talking about late results in the races for the U.S. House of Representatives, or the Dec. 6 Senatorial run-off re-election in Georgia between Sen. Rafael Warnock and Herschel Walker. 

Letter: Peace talks can’t be held until Russians leave Ukraine

Ukraine takes back Kherson, the city in the Ukrainian south which was under Russian orcs occupation from the beginning of the war which Russia started. 

Letter: On leaves, dandelions and the P.C. Sustainability Committee

My hat’s off to Kikki Short for a letter long overdue. “Leave the leaves!” printed in the Oct. 28 issue, points out the insanity of our attitude toward the environment—specifically, our treatment of the leaves on our pampered turfs as garbage, which we stuff into plastic bags along with the …

Letter: Build the water filtration plant on land WJWW already owns

The recent article in the Westmore News raised some of the issues about the proposed water filtration plant, including a helpful map; however, it related mostly the views of the Westchester Joint Waterworks (WJWW) and little about the common-sense public opposition to their new plan.

Rediscovering Bulkley’s Brook

It had been flowing through Port Chester hidden from view almost entirely for well over a hundred years, piped and buried segment by segment over the decades of the 19th century to accommodate a growing village.

Letter: Thoughts about Hubert, Biden, Ukraine and aging

As I write this letter, it is Halloween; on this day we see many different costumes and faces. I read Dick Hubert’s opinion column from last week. I always take him with a grain of salt.