Letter: Columbus Day Parade coming up Sunday

A few weeks ago, I wrote that Port Chester hosted a few community events—Unity Day, Weber Drive Basketball Classic and Port Chester Day, all extremely successful.

Letter: Home health care workers deserve fair pay

Forty years ago, I was involved in an automobile accident which left me a quadriplegic and would profoundly change my life forever.

Letter: ‘Russian world’ should have no place on Earth

Russia declares annexation of the Ukrainian territories it does not control 100% after sham “referendums” which were conducted at gunpoint, with over half of the population of those four Ukrainian regions fleeing the war, with people resisting and avoiding those "voting” exercises by any means.

Letter: Important questions for all candidates for office

As the U.S. heads into yet another “most important election ever,” recent events have ensured that, for once, that description just may be accurate.

Letter: Vote yes on Proposition 1

When you go to the polls to vote this fall, please remember to turn your ballot over and vote yes for Proposition 1, the $4.2 billion New York Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act.

Letter: Rabbi Goldberg responds to Dick Hubert’s column

I write in response to Dick Hubert’s column on the subject of Hasidic schools in New York.

Letter: Biden bumbles while America crumbles

In July 64 A.D. the city of Rome burned. Emperor Nero was thought to have played the fiddle while the city burned, but it’s probably just a legend, but the city was 70 percent destroyed. 

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Pediatrician runs for 16th Congressional seat on the Republican line; it’s a difficult task

It’s impossible not to admire the career of Dr. Miriam Levitt Flisser.

Letter: Thanks from the PCHS Marching Band

The Port Chester High School Marching Band and the PCHS Marching Band Association would like to thank the Port Chester and Rye Brook communities for generously contributing to this year's Marching Band Booster Drive. 

Letter: Too many P.C. students not attending home school

I watched the September Board of Education meeting and was very pleased to hear Trustee George Ford present a very valid point regarding 400 elementary students not attending their home school. 

Letter: Volunteer urges veterans to sign up for an Honor Flight

I am writing to try to correct a wrong I have committed and also to spread the word about the upcoming local Honor Flights for veterans to visit Washington, D.C. veterans memorials and be treated to a day of honor, compliments of many volunteers and the Hudson Valley Honor Flight …

Letter: Refreshing choice for Congress

I have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Miriam Flisser, Republican candidate for Congress for the 16th Congressional District which includes Port Chester and Rye Brook.

Letter: September 11: Never forget the history

While Ukraine is fighting for freedom and its very existence, making breathtaking advances in the Kharkiv region, one very upsetting situation came out right here, in our own school district.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: The New York Times publishes a fearless story and meets silence from those who know better

Sept. 11 (of all days!) the New York Times published an in-depth investigation on its front page so courageous that it’s a clear candidate for a Pulitzer Prize, print and web journalism’s highest honor.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: As call center jobs are exported out of the USA to distant countries, the jobs crisis becomes personal

One way or the other, all of us are being affected by the export of American jobs. The internet and worldwide cheap telephone access are to blame, along with socially uncaring corporate executives.