Letter: Don’t blame Biden

I am responding to a part of Thomas Ceruzzi's letter in the May 20 issue of your paper. He says that he spent time in East Germany in the 1980's (I would be curious to find our what he was doing there). He complains that television was run by the …

Letter: P.C. is a 10-gallon bucket; it can’t hold 40 gallons of development

It comes as no surprise to the Port Chester Main Street Association that the Village failed to complete a sewer capacity study before opening the door to oversized development: “Development in the Pipeline Will Exceed Sewer Main Capacity,” Westmore News, May 27, 2022. 

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Blind Brook and Port Chester Schools are in their own silos, hurting students

Way back in 2009, Bill Bishop published his seminal work on socio-economic segregation: The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like Minded America is Tearing Us Apart.

Letter: Thomas Ceruzzi got it right

In this ultra-liberal society of New York, what a relief it is to read Thomas Ceruzzi’s “Matters that concern us all” in the May 20 issue of this paper. His scorn of “the liberal tax and spend element that live in Port Chester,” his presumption that “they must have attended …

Letter: Grateful for Medicare and Social Security

I am a Port Chester senior citizen, and I would like to advise all my fellow senior citizens who, like me, are on Social Security and Medicare, not to rail against “socialism.” I am grateful to Democratic Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats and Republicans who voted …

Letter: The U.S. is not East Germany

While Tom Ceruzzi may be sincere in comparing the present-day United States to East Germany in the 1980's, I must respectfully give an opposing view. I too spent some time in 1980's East Germany, as well as 1980's Poland, and I find very few similarities. 

Letter: Rick Buzin thanks voters

Thank you to all the Blind Brook voters who came out and supported me in our recent School Board election. As I stated repeatedly during my campaign, we can and will reestablish the administrative strength of our district in the near future, knowing full well that solid administrative leadership filters …

Letter: A heartfelt thank you

Thank you to all the voters who participated in the recent Port Chester school budget and Board of Education election. A special thank you to my family and to those who helped with my campaign.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Sweden and Finland decide to join NATO; Putin’s war on Ukraine ends ‘neutrality’

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, more and more countries and their residents, and thus friends and relatives, are being dragged one way or another into the international upheaval Russia has caused.

Letter: On Israel and Ukraine: American Ukrainian Jew’s point of view

There are three countries I always will be loyal to: USA, because it is my home; Israel, because it is in my blood; Ukraine, because it is my motherland. As a Ukrainian Jew who firmly stands with Ukraine, I am often asked various questions, from “why Israel does not support …

Letter: Matters that concern us all

I am writing this letter to address a couple of matters that concern us all. The school board and budget will have been decided before this letter is printed, but I felt compelled to bring up certain matters which will come up to bite us in the behind in the …

From Our Editor: Re-elect Onofrio, elect McMahon Pascale to Port Chester Board of Education

In a year with less controversy than most in the Port Chester School District, it’s still refreshing to see a contested school board race. How else do you air the issues?

Letter: Antisemitism is a human problem

I want to thank everyone who reached out and raised their voices in response to the antisemitic flyers found in Port Chester, as reported in last week's edition. It is good to know that we have friends in this community who are just as horrified as we in the Jewish …

Letter: Pastor O’Hanlon says non-Jews should learn about antisemitism

Once again, we see that hatred is still alive and kicking in our society. I read with some shock (Westmore News 5/6/22) but then thought that I shouldn't be surprised, that antisemitism is being spread in our county and in our own neighborhoods. Whatever sick person is responsible for this, …

Letter: NAACP denounces anti-Jewish propaganda

I read in the May 6 edition of the Westmore News about anti-Jewish propaganda being thrown onto the yards of private homes in Port Chester. I recognized the method of distributing this material as being the same from many different municipalities around the United States: enclosure in a plastic bag …