Letter: Stop development madness in P.C.

Last week’s article in this paper regarding unresolved parking issues in the new Form Based Code (“Hello Houston, We’ve Got a Problem,” Westmore News, June 9, 2022) was not a surprise. The Village of Port Chester rushed to approve the Form Based Code (FBC) without truly understanding it. It’s time …

Letter: The justice system and women’s healthcare rights

The idea of justice in our society is a recurring theme. What is justice? How does one obtain justice? Is justice delayed, justice denied? While I toy with these ideas daily, I see the justice system failing individuals, marginalized groups, and communities daily.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Why Putin thinks he’s winning in Ukraine, and our role in confirming his state of mind

Our future as a nation, and as citizens of a world order dominated by liberal democratic (small “d”) values, will be determined in the next few months as we struggle to develop any kind of national consensus on the events of Jan. 6 and nervously try to affect the outcome …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: On the NYS Education Dept. canceling a Regents American history test—and other school outrages

Can mere mortals like you and me (and Blind Brook resident Naomi Schaefer Riley), who are not “of” the educational establishment, criticize it without getting fierce blowback? 

Letter: Sustainable Port Chester Alliance shares 4 major concerns of Midland Ave. residents

On Saturday, May 14, Sustainable Port Chester Alliance held a “Meet, Greet & Eat” event in the Key Foods parking lot on Midland Avenue. We offered passersby a free slice of pizza and a free ticket to a raffle for $50 gift cards in return for filling out a short …

Letter: Church and synagogue to host car wash for LGBTQ+ youth

For many years local interfaith congregations have joined with the students of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at Port Chester and Blind Brook high schools for a fundraiser. The congregations have hosted the fundraiser and the students have been volunteers for the event. 

Letter: What plans are there to address gun violence in the P.C. Schools?

In light of the recent tragedy at the elementary school in Uvalde, Tex., I would like to present the following questions to our Port Chester School Board:

Letter: New Voting Rights Act of New York has serious consequences for P.C.

The State Legislature has passed the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York. It has serious consequences for all municipalities in New York especially Port Chester.

Letter: Many thanks for all your support

I would like to extend my gratitude to all the voters who supported my election on May 17 to the Port Chester School Board and for voting “yes” on the budget.

Letter: Remember: Putin’s Russia is a threat to the world

It is over 100 days of war in Ukraine and the collective West gets tired. The West gets bored. The West worries so much about the cost of fuel, which is sure much more important than the life of some Ukrainian child. I get it. 

Letter: Natural gas use must be considered

It was very heartening to see that not only village residents read the Westmore News but that village officials read the News and the Letters to the Editor such as my “poop letter.” Now that the planning commission has recognized that all the proposed over-development will overwhelm the sanitary sewers …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: From Buffalo and Uvalde to Harry Wilson, a unique New York journey of desperation

First Buffalo. Then Uvalde. But Uvalde—I just can’t get Uvalde out of my head. Maybe it’s because I have twin grandchildren, age 9 soon to be 10, in the 4th grade. The age of the slaughtered Uvalde children.

Letter: Your newspaper is essential

Thanks for your coverage of the thoughts of this 88-year-old senior citizen. You and Dick Hubert have really given me the opportunity to continue thinking and participating in a community where Rickie and I have lived for 55 years.

Letter: Blind Brook and Port Chester Schools working together would benefit both

I read Dick Hubert’s column, “Blind Brook and Port Chester Schools are in their own silos, hurting students,” in last week’s Westmore News. I thought he raised some really important points about the advantages to both PC and BB families and educators by creating shared experiences. I loved the idea …

Letter: Village should put moratorium on all largescale developments

Revelation, I read on the front page of this week’s Westmore News that finally someone has recognized that our sewer and water systems are woefully inadequate. Imagine that—for years this has been the case. Ask our village foreman and any municipal worker that watches over our sanitary system, and they …